Earlier this month there was news that Wiltshire North Conservatives had summoned up enough support to have another go at deselecting their MP, James Gray. There was near-consensus at the time that however you would have voted the first time around a second vote would be damaging and unnecessary, unless there was justified grievance about the process of the first vote.
Now James Gray's office are saying that the person who started the petition that triggered a Special General Meeting to "discuss James Gray's position as Prospective Parliamentary Candidate" after being signed by almost 200 members, wants to withdraw it. Gray says he would still like the SGM just to clear the air:
"I would be delighted to appear in front of a meeting and to answer any
questions on any subject which the members of my Association might
have" said Mr Gray," to draw a line under the malicious activities of a
small group of people and reunite the Association well before any
possible Election."
4.30pm update: It seems that Cllr Toby Sturgis, the man who James Gray is pointing the finger at, is on the Association's Management Committee with responsibility for membership. He was asked by the Committee to assess opinion within the association and so started a consultation. The 192 assents to having an SGM account for at least 80% of those asked, although Gray claims a number of his supporters who want to clear the air are included in this. The petition was withdrawn in the name of unity after a request from CCHQ to calm the waters ahead of a possible autumn election.
Deputy Editor
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