What would you bring to the role of MEP?
Fiona Bruce: I would work hard to connect with voters in the North West so that they know me by name as their MEP candidate, and if elected, as their MEP. I would fight for a reduction in EU regulations which burden British business, better value and accountability for taxpayers’ money spent by the EU, a fairer share of EU funds for North West areas and a better deal for our rural communities. I have evidenced from the way in which I have worked over the past twenty five years that I am committed to making a positive difference in people’s lives.
Alexander Williams: As an MEP, I would seek a far better deal for the taxpayers of the North-West - it’s a disgrace that only £4 out of every £10 that we give to the EU is spent in the UK. Too much of our taxpayers money is wasted and too many of our law making powers have been signed away – I will fight to get them back
Peter Wilding: I was born and brought up in the area, I have 25 years campaigning experience, stood for Parliament, specialised in European law as a solicitor and am now head of the party's media operation in Brussels.
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