The Mail on Sunday reports that David Cameron thinks they might be.
The Conservative leader jokingly encouraged Annunziata Rees-Mogg (our Somerton & Frome candidate who recently wrote a diary for ConHome), to change her double-barrelled name to Nancy Mogg:
"Mr Cameron told her: ‘Wouldn’t it be easier all round if you shortened it to Nancy Mogg?’ Ms Rees-Mogg told him she preferred the name she was born with – in full. ‘But Nancy is a lovely name, I called my daughter Nancy,’ he protested. Ms Rees-Mogg would not budge. ‘Nancy Mogg may be shorter but I would rather remain Annunziata Rees-Mogg,’ she replied."
The MoS continues:
"Ms Rees-Mogg’s Old Etonian brother, Jacob Rees-Mogg, 40 – who famously brought his nanny to accompany him on the campaign trail and wears a suit on the beach – is the party’s prospective member for North East Somerset, next door to his sister’s constituency. It is believed Jacob has so far decided against becoming Jake Mogg."
The Sunday newspaper notes that Brighton Kemptown's Simon Radford-Kirby (brought up in a council house) has shortened his name to a simpler Simon Kirby but without pressure from CCHQ.
Our always independently-minded candidate for Chippenham has gone in the other direction. Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones was once just Wilfred Jones!
Tim Montgomerie
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