The former leader of UKIP, Nigel Farage, gave his first interview since his dreadful plan crash.
Speaking to BBC1's Politics Show he said that Cameron would be Prime Minister of a majority Tory government if he had accepted UKIP's non-aggression pact:
"The other effect of course of UKIP in the campaign was I think there’s little doubt that because of UKIP, Cameron was unable to form a majority government and, and do I feel guilty about that? No. I mean don’t forget, last year I made Cameron an offer. I said if you promise that an incoming Tory government will give the British people a free and fair referendum on their future relations with the EU, we will not contest the election against you. If Cameron had taken up that offer, there wouldn’t be a coalition. There would be a strong Tory government in place now."
On 8th May ConHome investigated UKIP's devastating effect in key marginals.
Tim Montgomerie