On Sunday night we published a league table of the personal priorities of the next generation of Conservative MPs. Pasted below are the candidates' entries to the 'Other priorities' box, below the list of the priorities we prepared for them to rate:
- Untangling of red tape strangling British farmers
- Establishing National Citizen Service for Young People
- Strengthening the United Kingdom and ensuring that we set the agenda for dealing with the nationalist threat.
- Creating the 100,000 real apprenticeships
- Restoring private pension provision
- New Nuclear Build, other new power supplies, and electricity saving measures, to reduce the imminent danger of power cuts within the next decade
- Big tax breaks for entrepreneurs and those who endow schools and other public services
- Improving standards in schools, Introducing measures to reduce youth unemployment, Improving outcomes in health
- At very least lowering the legal time limits for abortion majorly, ideally to revoke the 1967 Abortion Act totally
- Repairing the damage the Labour Party has caused to good race relations in our cities
- All the housing talk is of more affordable homes. I'm more interested in expanding home ownership. For example restoring the right to buy discounts and extending right to buy to council estates. I also can't believe that conhome has no priority here around combatting domestic Islamic radicalisation! That is one of my top priorities.
- Cannot answer the afghan and prison questions as both questions are hobsons choice - how does one define victory and one certainly wants less people on the conveyor to crime but prison is not the answer
- I have put the more young offenders in prison low because putting more people in prison is not a priority for me. Getting young people off of the conveyor belt to crime is however much higher up my agenda.
- Energy security and food security - some totally new priorities
- An overhaul of the special needs education system
- Withdrawal from the EU
- Combatting use of illegal substances, putting victim before criminal, end political correctness, get rid of Health and Safety Executive, Out of Europe
- Preventing a nuclear Iran
- Cutting the number of MPs, Restoring trust in Parliament through our behaviour
- Ensuring that there is a system of pay and allowances that applies to ALL MPs not just new ones and that does not deter people without means to come into politics.
- Making sure our service men and women have the kit and the training they need to do the job - defending British industries.
- Community cohesion, Strenghening British indsustry and focus on new industries such as digital media, creative industries, life sciences
- All are important and you are inviting a row of 5's with this question layout. The survey would have been better if it had forced priorities.
- Giving more powers to local government, Building a better future for pensions, Avoiding inflation, Preventing terrorist attacks, More support for the social sector
- Devolving more power to local authorities, elected police chiefs, the public and patients, and abolishing most quangoes
- Starting to address all debt - UK Gov, and (importantly) personal debt.