I've previously described Liberal Democrats as the bindweed of politics. Once they've invaded territory they are very hard to displace. As I wrote on Tuesday, a vote for the Liberal Democrats is now Labour's best hope of clinging to power.
Up until the General Election ConHome will be attempting to raise some funds for Conservative candidates who have the tough job of ousting Liberal Democrat MPs.
We will be using MyConservatives.com tools and the plan is to raise £1,000 for a candidate and then move on to raise a similar amount of money for another candidate. I will donate £35 to every candidate personally to start the process off. Your generosity will determine how many candidates we help.
At this stage I'm looking for nominations for the Tory candidates we should support first.
Please email me with candidates you know something about. Your email should ideally include:
- A brief argument for why that candidate is worthy of support;
- Anything that the Liberal Democrat MP has done that is particularly disappointing;
- Any local factors that make the seat particularly winnable.