Melanchthon wrote earlier in the day why he felt Liz Truss should not be deselected in South West Norfolk and Tim has given her ConservativeHome's full support here and here in the last few days.
Today it was my turn, on the BBC East edition of The Politics Show. After a report on the going-ons in South West Norfolk, I was interviewed via video link, whilst new Norwich North Conservative MP Chloe Smith gave her reaction in the studio.
Chloe grew up in the constituency and was treading very carefully. She said that as far as she was concerned it was a matter for the local party to decide whether Liz should remain in situ as the candidate and that she didn't feel it her place to voice an opinion.
I spoke staunchly in favour of Liz remaining the candidate and very much regret the course of action being pursued by the South West Norfolk Conservatives. She won a five-cornered ballot last weekend fairly and squarely - on the first round with more than 50% of the vote - and nothing has changed since then in relation to her (excellent) abilities as a candidate.
Watch the clip here via the BBC iPlayer (38 minutes and 10 second in - although it will only be available to view for seven days).
Jonathan Isaby