The Eastern Daily Press reveals that David Cameron spoke directly to Sir Jeremy Bagge, the former high sheriff of Norfolk, in a last ditch bid to persuade him to drop the attempt to deselect Elizabeth Truss.
Liz Truss has been enjoying a wave of support. She won the backing of the Association Chairman two days ago and 81% of Tory members across the country fear any deselection will damage the whole party.
The very interesting EDP article points to the dominant issue behind the whole saga; unhappiness at CCHQ attempts to micromanage seat selections. Alongside some real unhappiness at Liz Truss' private life and a faction within the constituency that wants to restore Christopher Fraser as candidate, the CCHQ 'meddling' accounts for the persistence of this problem.
Hopefully Liz Truss will be readopted but it must also be hoped that CCHQ - and John Maples in particular - will have learnt that Associations have passed breakpoint.
Tim Montgomerie