Each week a different PPC provides us with an insight into life as a candidate and gives us a flavour of their own campaign and interests. If you are a candidate and are keen to be featured, please email Jonathan Isaby.
This week’s diary is written by Lee Martin, who is PPC for the newly-created seat of Sunderland Central. The sitting Labour MP for Sunderland South, Chris Mullin, has already opted not to defend the seat's notional majority of around 9,000 in the wake of considerable Conservative successes in local elections - where Lee is Leader of the Opposition on the council."In the past I have to admit to being ever so slightly irritated by the diaries of those candidates lucky enough to be able to devote themselves full-time to their campaigns. However, having juggled being candidate for the newly-created Sunderland Central seat with working full-time heading up the CRM account for mobile phone giant Nokia at a Leeds-based marketing agency for the last 18 months, I too am now a full-time candidate (at least when not leading the now 22-strong Conservative opposition on the city council). Here's my diary of the week..."
Monday 14th September
Had planned to start the day delivering some of the ‘donate a fiver’ letters we’re sending out to pledges but drizzled off so head into my office at the Civic Centre calling at Sainsbury’s on route for healthy sandwiches. I’m on a diet. Look through my morning post. I’ve been sent the latest annual report from Urban Regeneration Company, the Sunderland Arc. Looks expensive. Even feels expensive. They have a ‘this is’ theme this year. I turn to the page about the city centre wilderness that is the Vaux site. ‘This is Vaux’ says the headline above an artist’s impression that none of us think will never be realised. ‘This is Vaux’. No it’s not, I think!
I’ve got an hour or so before Ram from Young Asian Voices comes in to meet Tony Morrissey, my council ward colleague, and me so check my emails. Emails from parking campaigner Neil Herron saying that the Council might have breached EU procurement regulations by failing to properly transfer their contract with NCP and from some of my councillors telling me about a BBC article asking whether bringing Nissan to Sunderland was Margaret Thatcher’s greatest legacy. I can’t resist forwarding the BBC story to all Sunderland councillors. Chaos ensues as councillors re-fight the battles of the 1980’s.
Meeting with Ram, Jay, Maz from Young Asian Voices goes well and Tony and I agree to help them with a bid for funding to build on the work they already do to give local kids, Asian and white, something better to do than hanging around street corners. I also promise to use my work contacts at the English Cricket Boards’ Chance to shine project to see if they can help out. Brightened up a bit outside so stop off to deliver some of our pledge letters on the way to the gym.Tuesday 15th September
We’ve good news on our return, another £250 in donations in this morning. Work on the invites for a new member ‘Meet and greet’ I’m hosting at the Sunderland Yacht Club in a fortnight. Head into town to get my hair cut. We’re running a photo session for Conservative councillors and council candidates in the Group rooms tomorrow and I want to tidy myself up for it.
Back to the Civic to catch-up with emails and make a few calls. Speak to Allan Dean, the Regional Campaign Director, about telephone canvassing. Have a script just need to find a donor to foot the bill.
Wednesday 16th September
Head into the Civic for the photo session. It’s very busy in there and everyone wants to speak to me. Spend the whole morning listening to councillors and bringing them up to speed. Slip out to post letters and pop into Boots for a Shapers sandwich and prawn cocktail swirls. Not that I’m becoming obsessed by my diet.
I get back to find some of my campaign team watching a New Labour campaign video from 1997. Wasn’t Blair polished! Clear my office before Alan Patchett, Director of the Sunderland branch of Help the Aged, arrives. We have a good meeting. He promises to provide me with some case studies and I promise to continue to push the Council to introduce a Council Tax discount for all pensioner households.
Try again to get hold of the Corporate Affairs Manager for Tesco to discuss the Vaux site before heading home to get changed for local Party’s Presidents’ Night at the West End Conservative Club. Rumour has it it’s the second oldest Conservative Club in the country. Not sure if that’s true! Our President, Tim Brown is on top form and the night goes well.Thursday 17th September
We’ve got Damian Jenson and Jessica Lever from the CCHQ operations team here today on a recce for shadow cabinet visits to the city so the most part of the day is taken up sheparding them around Sunderland. I wont tell you where we went in case team Labour (that’s about one man and his dog in Sunderland now!) are reading.
The remainder of the day is taken up with emails to the Council’s communications department and calls to councillors.
Too lazy to put out ward newsletters themselves Sunderland’s Labour councillors are pushing through plans for taxpayer funded ‘Community Newsletters’ and the communications team are after ‘good news’ stories. I inform them that no Conservative councillors will be giving any input until we decide whether to participate at our next Group meeting.
Check my emails, sign-off our next leaflet and head to the Wearside Health & Racquets Club.
Friday 18th September
I haven’t got as much done on the ground as I’d wanted this week so out delivering letters to pledges in Barnes Ward for a good part of the day.
Pick up a copy of the Sunderland Echo. I’m pictured canvassing in Fulwell with Shadow Minister for Wearside Mark Hoban MP. The story is unhelpful. Gives the impression that we’re happy with the treatment of sewage discharged off the Coast at Sunderland. I am not. Least said the better.
Few more emails then home before heading into Durham for the night. Visit the new champagne bar next to the Gala Theatre. My drinking buddy tells me Nick Brown, Minister for the North East, has been telling anyone who will listen that the General Election will definitely be on 1st Thursday in May. That’ll please the Labour councillors in Sunderland. They think the higher turnout will save them. Delusional I think!
Saturday 19th September
Head to the Civic to pick volunteers up to go and help with delivering in Washington South. Arrive early for once so pop into my office and pick-up my emails. As I expected I’ve been sent photos by a local campaigner of waste on the beach in response to last night’s Echo article. Reply as best as I can and then head out to Fatfield to meet the Washington team.
I’m really impressed by the newsletter we’re putting out. Great pavement politics, saving hedgehogs from road traffic and ‘big tidy up’ litter picks. No wonder we only have one Lib Dem on Sunderland City Council.
Have lunch at the Biddick Inn then back to Sunderland.
Keen to sort out the sewage story I call seafront councillor and local campaigner George Howe forgetting the match is still on. Agree to call back later. Sunderland go on to lose 3-1. Think I’ll leave that call back until tomorrow.
Sunday 20th September
Up early and out delivering on my own patch Barnes so that I don’t feel guilty spending the rest of the day on house things. Repair the steps to my house. Becoming a dab hand at mixing cement. Day flies by and before I know it I’m heading out to the Civic Reception for HMS Ocean, Sunderland’s adopted Royal Navy ship.
Last week's Diary was written by Justin Tomlinson (Swindon North)