Terry Waite has already said he is considering standing against Bury St Edmunds' Conservative MP David Ruffley as an Independent. Now today's Mail on Sunday reveals that the former hostage has teamed up with Martin Bell in an effort to target Alan Duncan - the MP for Rutland and Melton and Shadow Leader of the House, who had to apologise this week for saying (in a secretly-recorded video of private comments) that MPs are forced to live on "rations" and are treated "like s**t".
Mr Bell - who ousted Neil Hamilton in Tatton in 1997 and sat as an MP for one term - has not said that he would necessarily stand himself, but discloses that he and Mr Waite are setting up "an unprecedented network of independent parliamentary candidates" to stand in seats where the sitting MP has a "dodgy record" on expenses.
Hazel Blears, the ex-Communities Secretary and MP for Salford, is also a target in their sights, with Mr Bell suggesting that up to 25 "local hero" candidates could run in seats across the country. He summarised the conditions for an independent candidate to be successful thus:
"You have to be well-known...you need a good cause and a flawed incumbent".
Jonathan Isaby