ConservativeHome's end-July poll of Tory grassroots members finds almost no support for CCHQ's insistence that Conservative Associations choose fropm candidate shortlists that include 50% men and 50% women, We asked the question after CCHQ cancelled Dudley North's selection process because the local association had said a 50%/50% rule did not make sense after it had received 36 applications from men and just eight from women.
ConHome asked Tory members if they agreed that "Local Conservative Associations should be free to choose from candidate shortlists that are not 50% men and 50% women." 91% agreed and just 6% disagreed.
In today's Sunday Times Harriet Harman says that one of Labour’s two top posts should always be held by a woman. Will the Conservative Party end up in such a position on day? David Cameron has already pledged to aspire to one third of ministers in a Tory government being women.
Tim Montgomerie