8.30pm Update: Jackie Doyle-Price has issued the following statement:
"Naturally I have been determined to win in Thurrock but whatever our political differences I have always had considerable respect for Andrew MacKinlay as a committed Parliamentarian. I wish him a long and happy retirement."
Jackie Doyle-Price has been PPC for Thurrock for over two years and her attempt to gain the seat from Labour at the next election (a task for which she requires a swing of 6.5%) looks like it will be a little easier this evening.
Iain Dale has the scoop that Andrew Mackinlay, the Labour MP for the Essex seat since 1992, has decided to step down at the next election.
Andrew Mackinlay is hard-working, well-respected and independent-minded in equal measure and will be a loss to the House of Commons. But his departure means that Jackie will not have a popular incumbent to oppose and overturning that notional Labour majority of 5,358 would now appear more do-able than ever.
Jonathan Isaby