Each week a different PPC provides us with an insight into
life as a candidate and gives us a flavour of their own campaign and
interests. If you are a candidate
and are keen to be featured, please email Jonathan Isaby. This week’s diary is written by Caroline Nokes,
candidate for Romsey and Southampton North. She fought Romsey at the 2005 election - and was only 125 votes away from gaining it from the Liberal Democrats (who have held it since a 2000 by-election). Re-selected to fight the seat again (now renamed after minor boundary changes), Caroline requires a swing of 0.2% to gain the seat at the next election. She is Chief Executive of the National Pony Society and is married to Marc with a daughter, Tabitha. You can read more about her campaign on her website.
Saturday 13th June
Today starts earlier than a Saturday usually would, with my year old nephew demanding attention at 5am! I was on babysitting duty last night, and spent most of the evening pushing his buggy across fairly lumpy ground during the Romsey Show Farm Walk. The fresh air does not appear to have made Alex sleep well!
10am – To Hunts Farm Timsbury for the opening of the latest stretch of the Stockbridge to Romsey cycle way. Marc comes with me, snazzily dressed in his “Help for Heroes” lycra. He cycled to Paris a couple of weeks ago for the charity, and has become a real cycling convert. Unlike me, I think the last time I cycled anywhere it was with David Cameron.
Midday – Then on to Lee Manor for a Conservative Fundraiser to mark the Queen’s Official Birthday, but only a quick stop for me as Tab, Marc and I are also going to Ampfield Church Fete and East Tytherley Fete. Fortunately I love village fetes, and there are a massive amount of them at this time of year. Bad for the waistline though, with all the cake.
4.30pm – Quick catch up in Port Solent with some of the other Hampshire candidates. Penny Mordaunt from Portsmouth North has arranged for us to get together to swap campaigning tips. Big thank you to Penny!
Sunday 14th June
Another 5am start as Tab has a dressage test at dawn in the New Forest. It is a good job I am an early riser! This is only her second attempt at dressage on the pony, and it is a marked improvement on the last one, so we go home happy. The early start means that I can get to Catherston Stud in Over Wallop, part work part play. Jennie Loriston-Clarke, Chairman of British Dressage, is hosting a drinks party and display of the Catherston Horses, which will also raise some much needed funds for the local Party - no taxpayer subsidies for our campaign! A lovely opportunity to catch up with friends in Over Wallop, but also a chance to talk to Jennie about my day job, as Jennie is an NPS judge and we are returning to Catherston later in the year for a judges’ seminar and assessment day.
Monday 15th June
Guess what? Up at 5am to respond to the weekend’s emails before heading off to work in Alton. Since April 2008 I have been Chief Executive of the National Pony Society, which is a charity dedicated to the welfare of the British Riding Pony and the Mountain and Moorland Breeds. Alton is a long slog in the mornings (especially on a Monday when the M3 is at its worst).
Tuesday 16th June
No 5am start today, thank goodness, just a 2 and a half hour drive to Stoneleigh for a meeting with the NPS Trustees. Fortunately the Council Members are steering a pretty tight ship at the moment and we crack on through the business efficiently. This is good news for me as I have to head off to London for a dinner with the BBC, organised by the wonderful Anne Jenkin. It provided a great chance for a group of candidates to talk to the BBC about how they are delivering on their role as a public service broadcaster, a very topical issue at the moment. A shame though that tonight clashes with the AGM of the Youth in Romsey project, but I had agreed to the dinner long before I knew the date of the AGM.
Wednesday 17th June
Fortunately it is only Alton, not Stoneleigh, today. Managed to do 350 miles yesterday – I’m glad my car manages 45mpg as diesel prices seem to be creeping up again. It was hectic at work, and I am not looking forward to having to sort delivery batches out with Jojo on the way home, but it needs to be done if Sunday is going to be productive.
Thursday 18th June
Quick trip to get my back cracked today and then off to London for the Conservative Friends of Israel lunch. I was very fortunate to go on one of their trips to Israel a few years back, which has left a lasting impression. The holocaust memorial at Yad Vashem was one of the most moving places I have ever been, especially the memorial to the children. The CFI lunch provided a timely reminder of why we all need to work harder to counter the current rise in popularity of groups like the BNP. Oh – and DC commented that I looked far too tanned and must have been away somewhere, I explained it was a South Coast “canvassing tan” – lots of strap marks!
Friday 19th June
I had to pick up some trophies on the way to work today and used the opportunity to call in on some Romsey Extra residents who are concerned about parking issues. Unfortunately there were no examples of cars using the cul-de-sac this morning, but have asked the highways officers to take action to introduce H-Bars to stop people from parking over residents’ driveways.
Saturday 20th June
Still recovering from the County and European campaign, so formal canvassing is not high on the agenda at the moment. It means I get a consecutive Saturday off, and a quick trip to see John at Hair Review. He gives me his forthright view on MPs' expenses, and I remind him that I still do the 9-5 job and am not funded by the taxpayer! Then Wellow Church Fete and Fun Dog Show followed by the 50th Anniversary Celebrations of the 10th Romsey Scouts. Not to mention a combined 100th Birthday Party in Romsey Town Hall. Delivering all day tomorrow will seem like a nice rest.
Next week's Diary will be written by Iain Stewart, PPC for Milton Keynes South. Last week we featured a Diary from Annesley Abercorn (Hazel Grove)