More than 100 Labour PPCs have signed this declaration:
- As a parliamentary candidate I will subscribe to high standards of integrity, transparency, accountability and financial economy;
- I seek elected office not for personal gain but to serve the public and our democracy, which I consider an honour and a privilege;
- I will publish my expenses online within a month of submitting them and publicise them annually in full to constituents;
- I will hold regular meetings with my community and will regularly report back to my constituency party;
- I will apply the principle of best value to all decisions I make which involve the use of public money to cover my duties, including for travel and accommodation.
Other than (3) it's a bit vague for me. Our own candidates are being much more specific as I posted last week. Here are extracts from some more declarations:
Leah Fraser, Wallasey and Moreton has this on her website:
Brandon Lewis, Great Yarmouth:
- "I will be completely open about all of my expenses and allowances, publishing full details every year.
- I will only claim expenses for costs I have incurred in doing my job as an MP (e.g. travel costs and office allowances).
- I will never employ members of my family.
- I will be a full time Member of Parliament.
- I will act with honesty, integrity, openness and candour at all times.
- I will serve all my constituents, regardless of their politics.
- I will always put the interests of Great Yarmouth first."
David Gold, Eltham:
- "No more expensive furniture paid for by the taxpayer
- No more claims for food and drinks – not even a packet of HobNobs
- No more Ipods, chandeliers, moat cleaning – not even a mop and bucket
- Only claims for expenses directly linked to the work of being an MP – and then only if a receipt is presented....
- Not claim for a second home
- Not claim for my rail fares to Westminster
- Not claim for food and drinks
- Not claim home utility bills
- Not claim for furniture, clothing, massage chairs or anything unreasonable."
Nick King, Mid Dorset and North Poole: "Any accommodation for which MPs claim should be appropriate to their personal need, in other words, enough for one person only. If they choose to inhabit a larger property then they should only be reimbursed for the expenses they would incur for a one bedroom home. They should pay the difference in cost themselves. I also fail to understand why there should be any reimbursement for subsistence. The food purchased for personal consumption, for example, is the same wherever one lives. Finally, I can not see how or why MPs should need to change the designation of where their main home is situated so frequently. Circumstances may of course change and therefore there may be a need to move home. I believe that only in circumstances where this is forced upon an MP by either events outside their control or through changes in the requirements of their office should any form of moving cost be reimbursed. I firmly believe that if you are claiming money from the tax payer this should be fully receipted, the claims published and the reason for the claim justified. This is what I would intend to do if I become your next MP, regardless of the rules in place at that time."
Ben Jones, Halton:
- "Publish online my full voting, attendance, and speaking records from the House of Commons (and all written questions tabled and motions signed)
- Publish online a diary which details where I spent each day (and night) so that the people of Halton can see where I am working on their behalf
- Regularly update my website/blog so anyone can see what I work have been doing
- Publish contact details which include an "out of office hours" number so that constituents could contact me out of normal work hours
- Publish online my annual tax return/details of all my income (including any other jobs/paid appointments/work etc)
- Conduct regular polls/questionnaires of my constituents to find out their views on key issues- this help me decide how to vote in the House of Commons
- Hold regular surgeries at different times and locations in the constituency so it is convenient for my constituents
- Hold regular public meetings to discuss key issues concerning the people of Halton and account for my performance on their behalf- I would not make speeches at this meeting, but take questions and spend my time listening."
Rene Kinzett, Swansea West: "Only employ staff necessary to assist me to represent my constituents, with more resources being spent in the local area to help my constituents directly; I would only claim for the rent of a furnished flat in the Westminster area and for the travel to London and back once a week during Parliamentary term-time. Nothing more, no furniture, no food, no flat screen TVs and no trouser presses."
Tim Montgomerie