Eric Pickles MP returns to Crewe and Nantwich for the first time since May's historic by-election victory.
During the Crewe and Nantwich by election I had always assumed that a know it all central Labour Party has imposed vicious crass class hatred campaign on a reluctant local Party. I was wrong, and would like to make this public apology; no the Labour Whips and the Party apparatchiks found Crewe Labour’s inner soul.
Labour has picked a new candidate to replace the defeated Dunwoody, in his first press release to get any coverage he attacks the Conservative MP and local hero Edward Timpson, for being lazy and continuing to work as a barrister – not true of course – but when did the actuality ever get in the way of a Labour smear campaign.
Judging from the local reaction to the smear be must be regretting the ill judged release. The local paper’s letters columns are full of people defending Edwards’s hard work and from the moment you arrive in the town you have no doubt who is the MP and that he is working for everyone.
In the centre of town a shop window next to a white portcullis stands the name Edward Timpson MP in bold letters. Ex canvassers will remember this as the central campaign office which Edward has taken over has his main constituency office. The last time I had seen it the room had been packed with blue balloons. I am back for the first time since the exciting days of early summer to officially open the office.
People who travelled from across the country in May should feel proud; Edward has more than fulfilled his election pledges: weekly surgeries spread around the constituency, a report-back newspaper, regular column in the local press and a willingness to help anyone is the hallmark of this new Conservative MP. He is fighting hard against two local closures the sorting office and the tax office. Last week he was thrown out of the tax offices for daring to enquire after his constituent’s jobs. Undaunted he continued the meeting in the park outside.
Waiting for my train back to London I bumped into someone I met during the campaign he said, “You probably don’t remember me but we met in Crewe Market when you introduced me to Mr Timpson. I had my doubts about voting Tory, but you said I should give him a chance, well I did, I voted Tory for the first time ever. I have no regrets and I will be voting for him to finally get rid of Brown when the time comes.” I suspect that he is not alone and that Edward will be MP for Crewe and Nantwich for many decades to come.
2.45pm Good news update: "I have just been contacted by the Labour candidate for Crewe and Nantwich who assures me he never said that Edward Timpson was "lazy" and that he "never would". I'm happy to clarify this comment, and delighted that Edward's hard work for the people of Crewe and Nantwich is even recognised by the opposition. Well done Edward, and keep it up."