The Sunday Express (article not online) features a non-partisan campaign by Damian Collins - the Tory candidate for the seat currently held by Michael Howard - to restore the Road
of Remembrance to Folkestone harbour used by hundreds of thousands of soldiers in WWI.
This from the Facebook Group that marks the campaign:
"Step Short is a Folkestone based campaign group named after the command given to the hundreds of thousands of men who during the First World War marched down the Road of Remembrance to Folkestone harbour. The ‘Step Short’ group would like to see this Road restored to its former glory, and to provide a fitting memorial for all service personnel who passed through Folkestone – many of whom never returned.
The Group is bringing together residents, local historians, councillors and members of the creative community, all of whom share an interest in marking this important piece of history, and telling its story to new generations of people.
This project has added significance with the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War coming up in 2014.
Please do let us know if you would like to be involved with the project in anyway.
Step Short holds regular meetings in Folkestone to update people on the progress of the campaign, and all are welcome.
Please also let us know if you have any items of interest relating to Folkestone during the First World War."