John Maples MP has replied to ConservativeHome's email of Friday promising that "on Monday we will return to the issue of publishing more information." The email was sent on Saturday, by Monday he means today.
We hope that Mr Maples, returning officer for these elections, will publish (for all regions) the kind of information that ConservativeHome has received for the South Eastern regional rankings (remembering that lower scores/ points mean a higher ranking):
- Daniel Hannan MEP: 24,509
- Richard Ashworth MEP: 29,567
- Nirj Deva MEP: 35,054
- James Elles MEP: 44,120
- Therese Coffey: 31,274
- Sarah Richardson: 40,515
- Richard Robinson: ??
- Tony Devenish: ??
- Nina Kaariniemi: 54,295
- Marc Brunel-Walker: 60,909
What these results show is that Therese Coffey and Sarah Richardson won the top places below that of the incumbent MEPs by winning most support of members. They didn't get their 'top-of-the-non-MEPs-slots' by fulfilling the quotas imposed by CCHQ.
What we don't have for the South East is turnout data and number of spoilt ballot papers. Let's hope we get that data for all regions as well today.