What would you bring to the role of MEP?
Warwick Lightfoot: I am a Eurosceptic City economist. As a former Special Adviser to the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Secretary of State for Employment I understand the economic and social challenges we face. I will work to protect London’s jobs and financial services from ill-conceived European regulation that would damage London.
Bob Seely: I want the EU to be a trading union of nations. Above that our MEPs should campaign to return power to the UK Parliament; we need to strengthen democracy, freedom and accountability, not weaken them. As your MEP I will lead an honest audit on the value of the EU to Britain, so that we, the people, can judge what level of EU membership is our best interests. I never support the Euro.
Alison Sproule: I will bring a fresh, effective approach to Europe. Using my
negotiating and communication skills which have been so potent in my
strategy role at Macmillan Cancer Support, I will establish
efficiencies through creating a clear understanding of issues and use
this to negotiate the best possible outcome for Londoners.
Jean-Paul Floru: We have let the European superstate grow for far too long and must reverse the process. I will insist on a clear election programme which demands drastic reform of the EU within strict time limits. I will never agree to a transfer of powers or to a tax increase. I will fight for the low regulation regime through which London flourishes. I will not go native: I did not move to Britain 14 years ago in order to see it become what I fled from.
Marina Yannakoudakis: I bring negotiating skills gained as the financial director of a company working with the Europeans. Additionally a business understanding of the challenges faced by London businesses from countless EU directives. I bring a strong solid political background as a London Borough councillor. A Euro sceptic approach to defend our sovereignty.
Graham Postles: I am an experienced political campaigner and a senior manager with an insight into the challenges of creating a free trade EU gained setting up a multi-member European network. I will fight to reduce EU interference, to repatriate powers to the UK and to further the economic interests of Londoners. I believe the EU needs to stop looking at structure, form and ever more intervention and instead follow a new, outward looking agenda, focusing on the challenges where multinational cooperation make sense - globalisation, the environment and tackling global poverty.
Why have you chosen to stand for London?
Warwick Lightfoot: A London politician and Borough Councillor for over twenty years, last year I ran in our Party’s London Mayoral Primary. I appreciate the challenges that London faces: crime, transport and housing. I understand how EU regulation damages jobs in London, jobs we cannot afford to lose given that London has Britain’s highest unemployment rate.
Bob Seely: I live and work in London. If elected I pledge to scrutinize, campaign and challenge. I admire MEPs Chris Heaton-Harris and Dan Hannan for exposing EU maladministration. If elected I pledge to continue their work. I'll expose the Brussels gravy train, not jump on it.
Alison Sproule: London is a special city that combines an incredible mix of people, art, financial power, opportunity and an unbeatable culture which I have enjoyed for almost 20 years. I want to fight to ensure that the voice of Londoners is heard and that London eminence is not weakened through unnecessary legislation.
Jean-Paul Floru: The division into regions is artificial. I intend to defend the United Kingdom as a whole. London is my home and the city I know best. London has prospered
because of the free market: low taxation and low regulation. I have
defended the free market economy and individual freedom for more than
twenty years and will continue to do so.
Marina Yannakoudakis: My pride and belief in my city give me the tools to defend its interests and get the best deal. Born and bred a Londoner I have local knowledge across London. As a London councillor I understand the effect of EU directives, for example landfills and carbon emission targets. I will stand firm to protect our businesses, councils and homes from EU interference.
Graham Postles: I have lived and worked in London since 1995. I thrive on the sheer
vibrancy and diversity of London and its communities and I am proud to
play a part in the world's leading financial, banking and insurance
marketplace, the City of London. I will be proud to represent the
people of London in Europe and being a candidate for the region where I
live means that I am able to devote the time and energy which fighting
a successful campaign will demand.