ConservativeHome has repolled our candidates that we first profiled here.
In the context of the debate on MPs' pay, 72 candidates answered our questions on the financial consequences of entering the Commons and of being a candidate.
Q1. What would happen to your income if you became an MP?
- My income would double: 15%
- My income would increase but by less than 100%: 14%
- My income would be about the same: 15%
- My income is about 50% greater than what I would expect to earn as an MP: 29%
- My income is more than 50% greater than what I would expect to earn as an MP: 26%
Q2. Last year ConservativeHome estimated that the cost of becoming a Conservative MP was an average £41,500 in terms of expenses and lost income opportunities. From your own experience, would you say that this cost was:
- Greater than I expect to incur: 17%
- About what I expect to incur: 34%
- Less than what I expect to incur: 49%
Q3. Do you plan to pursue other financial interests if you became an MP?
- Yes: 21%
- No: 50%
- Don't know: 29%