ConservativeHome reported yesterday that Kit Malthouse was adopted as the Conservative candidate for the GLA's West Central seat. Mr Malthouse triumphed despite the efforts of Shireen Ritchie, Chairman of the CCHQ Candidates Committee and active supporter of David Cameron's ambition to change the face of the parliamentary party. Ms Ritchie lobbied on behalf of Nick Paget-Brown (the text of her supportive email is pasted below). Ms Ritchie's loyalty to a friend is admirable but many will question the wisdom of someone in such an influential party position - where neutrality is highly-prized - being seen to be partial in a candidate selection process (although not one involving a Westminster seat). Ms Ritchie has come under fire in the past. People have connected the high proportion of K&C A-listers with the fact that Ms Ritchie is a luminary of Kensington & Chelsea Conservatives.
"Dear All
Further to my earlier email I am now attaching a letter from Nick Paget Brown in which he sets out his priorities should he be selected for the GLA West Central seat.
I have known Nick for some 15 years, I have worked with him at both Council and Association level and I am happy to give my complete support to Nick as he seeks to become our GLA candidate.
Nick has a wealth of experience in the Party, as a London Regional Officer and as an Association Chairman. He led KCCA through difficult times when our Member of Parliament, Alan Clark, died unexpectedly and we found ourselves having to fight a very high profile by-election. He successfully ran the campaign which needed to harness the energies of both our own association members and the many other volunteers who joined us, whilst working alongside the by-election team from CCO. He dealt with the high media interest in a friendly and thoroughly professional manner throughout.
Nick has also had wide experience on the RBKC Council over the years. He is currently Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Environment and Leisure and formerly had Cabinet responsibility for Regeneration, Community Safety and External Relations. These are key issues for the GLA on which our representative will need to be knowledgeable, particularly when holding the Mayor to account.
Nick is a man of principal who can be trusted to represent residents in an open, effective and articulate manner. I do thoroughly recommend him to you.All best wishes,
The selection meeting will be held in Kensington Town Hall, Hornton
Street, W8 at 7pm. Doors open at 6pm."