James Gray may have won the confidence of local Tories in last Tuesday's ballot but the Mail on Sunday has not given up on unseating him. In this morning's newspaper Simon Walters has reported that the Wiltshire North MP has used £60,000 from his Commons expenses to pay his estranged wife's 'maintenance.'
The Mail on Sunday notes that "campaigning Liberal Democrat MP Norman Baker" has called for an investigation into Mr Gray's expenses by Parliamentary Standards Commissioner Sir Philip Mawer.
Mr Gray is sat on a projected majority of over 7,500 according to UK Polling Report and his seat is unlikely to be vulnerable to continuing adverse publicity. The continuing saga is more likely to be concerning to Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones and his battle to win the neighbouring Chippenham seat and overturn a projected LibDem majority of 1,260. Local media coverage may have turned some voters against the Tories in Wiltshire.