BBC is reporting that invalid voting at Sir Patrick Cormack's recent deselection means that the MP for South Staffordshire will have a second chance at convincing his executive to reaffirm him as their candidate for the next General Election.
This is how the Birmingham Post covers the developments:
"Mr Maude has written to the local party warning that the vote must be re-run. He said the attendance register did not appear to reflect an accurate record of those entitled to vote. It has also emerged that more ballot papers were cast than people were present.
The decision does not mean Sir Patrick is guaranteed to win reselection when the vote is held again, but the level of support he has received in recent days will have strengthened his position.
Fellow Staffordshire MP Michael Fabricant (Con Lichfield) urged party activists to "see sense" and re-select Sir Patrick.
Sir Patrick said: "I am extremely grateful to those members of the executive council who drew these matters to the attention of the Party Chairman, just as I am grateful for the overwhelming support I have received from constituents and colleagues in Parliament over this last difficult two weeks.""