ToryRadio has already picked this up but a clerical oversight at CCHQ meant that the annual fee for being on the candidates' list was not collected last year. The cost to CCHQ was logo-sized; well over £30,000.
This is the text of the letter that has just been distributed to candidates:
"Dear XX,
Re: AACC Membership PaymentAs you know we ask all candidates who join the approved list to pay an annual subscription to the AACC (Approved Association of Conservative Candidates) of £80. This money is used to help fund events for networking opportunities, subsidised training for you as well as covering day to day administrative and communication costs.
It appears we have no record of receiving payment from you in 2006 and so far in 2007. Fir this reason please would you kindly send in a cheque for the two years subscription to the value of £160 payable to "The Conservative Party" to the department.
If you believe you have paid for 2006 and/0r 2007 please contact the department providing details of payment which can then be checked against our account paperwork.
From January 2008 all payments will be managed by direct debit so I would be very grateful if you could kindly complete the enclosed form and also return this to the department. All direct debit payments will leave your account annually on or around 2nd January.
Yours sincerely
Gareth Fox
Head of Candidates."
Candidates will, of course, cough up. One does wonder about CCHQ's internal systems, though.
Related link: David Cameron recently addressed some of ConservativeHome's concerns about the costs of candidacy.