Over the last few days the folly of CCHQ's decision to reverse the selection process in some Associations - with the executive stage coming after the whole membership stage - has been exposed in a most painful way. Cllr Wendy Morton was chosen by Tynemouth's Conservative Association Executive - reportedly on a 9 to 7 vote - despite the fact she was not shortlisted by the preceeding vote of the whole Association. Cllr Morton was called up for the final phase after two of the four shortlisted by the wider Association had dropped out. Local members are understandably angered by being disenfranchised in this way. The Newcastle Journal has spotlighted the debates that have taken place on this site (see here and here). Brian Moore, former Chairman of Newcastle Conservatives, explained the anger in a comment to ConservativeHome:
"The issue here from the point of view of an activist is that with the system used to select the Parliamentary candidate is questionable. As chairman of Newcastle I voted for selecting our leader by one member one vote. Would David Cameron have been able to carry out his positive reforms within the Party if he had been selected by sixteen in an executive? My guess is no. I would suggest that any Association reading the comments made on this site, and who are considering using a system where the members do not feel they have a say who the final choice is, should please re-consider. I would also suggest, with the greatest of respect, that the Party nationally seriously reconsider a system that effectively could lead to the members fifth choice being selected as the next member of parliament for a seat."
Cllr Morton is the innocent victim of all this. Few have question marks about her abilities but there are real question marks about whether she enjoys the confidence of local members. She needs to resolve that issue and fast. ConservativeHome encourages her to call a vote of confidence of all members in her selection. In due course she will have to be formally adopted but a quick vote is the one sure way of establishing that she has the confidence of all members and will limit the possibility of the Association limping along, wounded and divided. Her very decision to act boldly in this way will also increase her chances of winning support within the Association.
CCHQ must also act by abandoning this selection ordering. Candidates should be chosen by the whole Association - not just a grouping within it.