As ConservativeHome commentator 'C List and Proud' noted on Tuesday, Priti Patel's Witham victory owed a great deal to her traditionalist views on crime and Europe. The following quotations appear in this morning's Mail on Sunday:
PP on crime: "If you had the ultimate punishment for the murder of policemen and other heinous crimes, I am sure it would act as a deterrent. We must send a clear signal to people that crime doesn't pay. The punishment must fit the crime and yes, I do support capital punishment. For far too long the law has been on the side of the criminal. Law and order is breaking down in Britain and we must do something about it."
PP on the euro: "I said I would never vote for the euro because I want to see a Britain that is governed by the British for the British."
PP on Project Cameron: "David Cameron is not doing enough to carry party members with him in terms of his style and approach. He has broadened the appeal of the party but he must do more to reassure members and we need to develop more policies."
A party official told The MoS that Priti Patel's main rival for Witham - James Brokenshire MP - was "slick" and "too clever by qualifying every statement".
12.30pm update: Just noticed this in the MoS leader column: "Ms Patel turns out to be the very thing the Tory leader wants to get rid of, a hardline Conservative who loathes the EU and wants to bring back the death penalty. Good for her. Like Archbishop John Sentamu and Bishop Michael Nazir Ali, she is free to be politically incorrect because nobody can call her a racist or a fascist."