All three of the finalists in last night's Central Devon selection meeting were A-listers - Ashley Gray, Hannah Parker and Mel Stride. I met Mel at the Manchester Spring Forum and was hugely impressed with him. Mel has a social entrepreneurial background and a deep commitment to social justice. I send my warmest congratulations to him and commiserations to Hannah, who is a personal friend and a credit to the Alist, and to Ashley Gray, who I don't know at all.
UK Polling Report's guide to boundary change effected seats says this of Devon Central:
"A large rural seat in the centre of Devon, although it will also include some of the outskirts of Exeter. The seat is likely to be a Conservative/Lib Dem marginal.
Notional 2005 result – C 20,474 L 4,980 LD 17,940 Oth 4,091 Conservative Majority 2,534 (5.3%)"