Publishing the A-list caused ConservativeHome's traffic to double. It was, of course, the list that nearly every Tory wanted to see. I always tell people, however, that the list of people who told me who was on the list would have been a more interesting one! I say this because I want to underline that I always respect the confidentiality of sources. Always.
If you are a candidate and are willing to share some insight into the costs of being a candidate... I'd be delighted to hear from you. Please email me if you can share information on the costs of being on the candidates list, on finding a seat and then on campaigning for a seat.
This will feed into a forthcoming post about ConservativeHome's campaign to help lower income people become Tory candidates.
Related links: Cash for quality candidates (by Katie Perrior) and Action is needed to help candidates meet the costs of standing for parliament (by Robert Halfon).