A PDF is now available of ConservativeHome's General Election Review. Click here to view.
In the last 48 hours ConservativeHome invited Tory candidates to say whether they agreed or disagreed with the key conclusions of our General Election Review. 109 candidates took part. 60 candidates who had been unsuccessful and 49 who had been successfully elected. The two sets of candidates did not answer the questions in significantly different ways. Their responses are listed below with those most supported at the top of the list.
The election debates gave the Liberal Democrats by-election status, and disrupted an already disjointed Tory campaign- Agree: 91% / Disagree 2%
The Conservative Party enjoys a massive financial advantage over Labour and the Liberal Democrats
- Agree 78% / Disagree 11%
- Agree: 77% / Disagree 10%
- Agree: 71% / Disagree 15%
- Agree: 70% / Disagree 17%
Team Cameron's success with the Murdoch empire could not compensate for continuing difficulties with the BBC
- Agree: 65% / Disagree 22%
- Agree: 63% / Disagree 23%
- Agree: 63% / Disagree 28%
- Agree: 62% / Disagree 22%
- Agree: 55% / Disagree 22%
Having two young and broadly similar politicians at the top of the Party remains problematic
- Agree 51% / Disagree 44%
- Agree: 51% / Disagree 45%
- Agree 47% / Disagree 44%