By Tim Montgomerie
I am very sad to report that photographer Anton Hammerl was killed by Libyan troops six weeks ago. Anton worked for ConservativeHome on a number of occasions and, below, we republish some of the photographs he took for us. We hadn't reported his connection with us until now because we feared any loose connection with the Conservatives might endanger him if the Libyan authorities had been detaining him.
For the most part Anton, a South African national living in Britain, was a photographer who operated in dangerous parts of the world but, on a freelance basis, he did some work for us. I didn't know him well. I didn't what his politics were. But I did know him as funny and very professional. My thoughts are with his wife and family today. The world has lost a brave man and we have further confirmation - if it was needed - of the hideous nature of the Gadaffi regime.
Photographs of Sayeeda Warsi, Andrew Feldman, Rory Stewart and Benedict Brogan.
Some of his last work from Libya.