Weblinks for Thursday 23rd September 2010
8.30pm International: Republicans launch their 'Pledge to America'
6.30pm WATCH: Baroness Newlove, Garry Newlove's widow, says that the police aren't taking ASBOs seriously enough
4.15pm ThinkTankCentral: Dalibor Rohac of the Legatum Institute deconstructs Vince Cable's speech to the Liberal Democrat Conference
3.30pm ToryDiary: Elected Police Commissioners must have a local mandate if they're to work
3.15pm Max Chambers on CentreRight: Elected police chiefs will force the thin blue line to focus on anti-social behaviour
2pm Lee Rotherham on CentreRight: Czech out a better speech than Cable's
- Mark Field MP on Vince Cable's Liberal Democrat Conference speech: There should be space for a more populist capitalism
- Nick Clegg pledges at the UN to increase UK overseas aid spending
Noon: David Breaker on CentreRight: Why I'm baffled by High Speed 2
11.45am WATCH: Tom Elliott speaks to the media after his election as the Ulster Unionist Party's new leader
10.30am Local Government: Aylesbury Estate demolition gets under way
9.30am Harry Phibbs on CentreRight: Jo Grimond would have been a great addition to the Coalition Government
ToryDiary: Matthew Hancock makes a trial run of the Treasury's case against Labour's new leader
Chris Newton on Platform: The alternatives to Trident aren't convincing
Local Government: Right to buy sales last year were just 3100
Think Tank Central: Oliver Letwin discusses Coalition economic strategy at Liberal Democrat conference
WATCH: Quentin Letts at large with the Liberal Democrats
Trident decision expected to be delayed until after election"A final decision on a replacement for Britain's Trident nuclear deterrent is expected to be delayed until after the next election, allowing the Tories and Liberal Democrats to fight on different platforms. Amid criticism that Nick Clegg is failing to differentiate his party from David Cameron's, a senior minister said a delay would undermine Labour attacks on the Lib Dems as "crypto-Tories". Nick Harvey, the armed forces minister, indicated Cameron and Clegg are prepared for an election battle over nuclear weapons when he indicated the final "main gate" decision would be delayed until October 2015." - The Guardian
Trident skewers Britain's post-imperial refit"The logic is strong in favour of axing the £15bn carrier programme, delaying the Trident replacement and planning for a lower-specification deterrent. But the politics will be tough, including a potential showdown with Mr Fox, whose relations with the prime minister are already strained. “This review is getting to be all about politics and very little about a realistic assessment of threats,” says an insider". - Max Hastings, Financial Times (£)
Conservative Ministers "relaxed" over Cable speech"The Deputy Prime Minister, who is in New York for a United Nations conference, said: "He, as a free-market liberal, believes you have got to look after the small guys as well as the big guys. Competition is really, really important in any modern, market economy. You can't allow big players on the block, whether it's legal or financial or any other, to crush competition under foot." Mr Cable's comments, which were applauded by the Liberal Democrat faithful, had been seen in advance by Tory Cabinet ministers who are understood to be relaxed about the remarks." - The Independent
"The speech
had been billed as a ferocious attack on the whole notion of capitalism.
was no such thing. He did promise to do such things to the banks and
the corporates as would be the terror of the Square Mile. But he said it
in the manner of a local councillor who is determined to sort out that
litter problem once and for all.In fact, it was a deeply pro-coalition
speech (why, the Liberal Democrats had abolished inheritance tax relief
for double millionaires." - Simon Hoggart, The Guardian
Steve Richards: Yes, Cable did the Government a favour...
"The deficit remains the defining issue in British politics and the single area that will decide the fate of the Coalition. Yesterday the Liberal Democrats were thrilled to hear a bit of ideological passion from Cable, but those of them that worry about the pace and depth of spending cuts do not have an ally in the Business Secretary. Privately he is less gung-ho than Clegg over the deficit reduction plan. He has indicated that he will only cut in his department what he believes to be feasible, rather than meet an arbitrary target. But broadly Cable is an advocate of a policy that worries some Lib Dems and delights most Conservatives." - The Independent
Fraser Nelson: ...No, he didn'tIt may well be that Steve Hilton thinks this anti-capitalist rhetoric is cleverly counter-intuitive and good for the brand, making him happy to approve these Lib Dem speeches. But I fear he underestimates just how important it is that all government ministers, especially the business secretary, defend capitalism. Mood music matters. And careless talk costs jobs - Coffee House
Benedict Brogan: The challenge will come when it's time to split the Coalition apartBut it is another thing to hear Mr Cable address delegates as "comrades" yet lavish praise on the political acumen of the Chancellor; or Danny Alexander talk with enthusiasm about the pleasures of working with Oliver Letwin. Bigger tests have yet to come, and the road to 2015 is long, but those looking for cracks in this endeavour should notice instead the growing human bonds. Those personal links must increase the chances – already strong in my view – of the Coalition lasting the distance - Daily Telegraph
Yesterday in Tory Diary:
- David Cameron as well as Nick Clegg is behind this week's messages from the Liberal Conference
- The biggest problem with Vince Cable isn't his views on banks. It's his views on tax.
"Now as deputy chairman, Fallon is to become one of the main faces of the Tory party. Where Ashcroft brought cash and controversy over his tax affairs, Fallon brings a cool head and mild manner that will impress on the Today programme. The Fallon appointment shows the Tories are gearing up to confront a Labour party that will be rejuvenated by the election of a new leader on Saturday." - Wintour and Watt, Guardian
> Yesterday in Tory Diary: Michael Fallon appointed Conservative Party Deputy Chairman
Labour leadership ballot closes with Miliband brothers neck and neck'The result, which is said to be too close to call, will be announced at the opening of the party's annual conference in Manchester, giving the new leader two days to prepare his set-piece speech to the conference.Both camps exuded private confidence that they had won, but also stressed that the victor would reach out not only to his brother, but also to rival supporters to heal any wounds inflicted during the contest.With the result certain to be close, the winner is not going to be able to claim a complete mandate to push the party exclusively in one direction" - The Guardian
Miliband brothers to meet after Labour leadership result"David and Ed Miliband will meet within hours of the Labour leadership result being announced on Saturday to settle their political futures. The brothers have agreed to discuss whether — and, if so, how — the defeated candidate will serve under Labour’s new leader to prevent the issue dominating coverage of the party’s conference. Although David Miliband, the Shadow Foreign Secretary, has stated that he would serve under his brother, his friends privately voice doubts over whether he would stay in frontline politics" - The Times
David Miliband "to get shadow chancellor job from brother" if he wins Labour leadership contest
Labour sources say the younger Miliband will ignore the claims of
former Treasury aide Ed Balls and hand his brother the top job in the
shadow cabinet to ensure he stays in frontline politics. Polls for
the contest, decided by MPs, party members and the unions, closed
yesterday. And confidence is growing in Ed Miliband’s camp that he can
steal the crown from his elder brother." - Daily Mail
This barking Labour election drove me crackers - Austin Mitchell, The Times (£)
Tom Elliott elected leader of UUP
"[He] represents Fermanagh and South Tyrone in the Northern Ireland Assembly and will take over from Sir Reg Empey with a promise to reconnect with party grassroots. He defeated rival Basil McCrea, who represents Lagan Valley in the Assembly, by 643 votes to 294 following a party meeting in Belfast at which around 1,000 delegates gathered. He defeated rival Basil McCrea, who represents Lagan Valley in the Assembly, by 643 votes to 294 following a party meeting in Belfast at which around 1,000 delegates gathered." - Belfast Telegraph
Andrew Mitchell - Children are what they eat
"I met Andrew Mitchell, the international development secretary, at the Britis h ambassador's residence in New York, where he was staying for the UN summit...it was like a piece of colonial Britain - a long way from the smart and functional modernity of the hotels where most of the delegates stay. He was exercised about several issues - maternal mortality (he spoke passionately about the need for women to be able to get contraception so they can plan their families - see his remarks here), malaria and nutrition." - Sarah Boseley, The Guardian
Munira Mirza: Rethinking race - the failures of multiculturalism"...Perhaps most importantly, we are afraid to discuss race in an honest way, even with our colleagues and friends. the famous Ali g phrase, “Is it cos I is black?” is funny precisely because it hits a nerve. Many of us have seen an innocent remark misinterpreted as racist. being falsely accused of racism is, at best, unpleasant and at worst, can destroy a career." - Prospect (£)
Three-year-olds being labelled bigots by teachers as 250,000 children accused of racism - Daily Mail
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