Saturday 29th May 2010
10.30pm Paul Goodman on CentreRight: Why should Ben Summerskill tell David Laws how to live his life?
9.15pm WATCH: David Laws' full resignation statement
9pm Donal Blaney on Platform: It is time for conservatives to boycott the Telegraph. Anybody with me?
8pm ToryDiary: Immediate reactions to David Laws' resignation
8pm ToryDiary: BREAKING Danny Alexander replaces Laws
6.30pm ToryDiary: David Laws has resigned according to ConHome sources
6.15pm Tim Montgomerie on CentreRight: Obama plays A LOT of golf
1.30pm ToryDiary: Growing support for Coalition among Tory members
10.30am Martin Sewell on Platform: "We must refute the notion that sex + financial claim = dishonour"
ToryDiary: David Laws paying rent of £40,000 to long-term partner may have broken Commons rules
Howard Flight on Platform: There are advantages to the Coalition - but will it be able to deal with the biggest challenges facing the country?
Local government: From Private Eye's Rotten Boroughs
Parliament: New MPs John Glen and Neil Parish use maiden speeches to highlight challenges facing rural Britain
Cameron defends "modest" CGT rise..."What we're proposing here is a modest increase in capital gains tax revenue in order to pay for raising income tax allowances... So this is to help less well-off people, and I think that makes sense." - Quoted in The Guardian The Times joins the calls for a U-turn
"When Nigel Lawson cut top tax rates from 60 to 40 per cent, tax revenues soared. When President Reagan cut CGT from 28 to 20 per cent, revenues jumped from $12.5 billion to $18.7 billion in only two years... The top 1 per cent of taxpayers in Britain pay a quarter of all income tax revenues. The top 5 per cent pay 43 per cent. Driving the rich abroad could be worse than a catastrophe; it could be a fiscal blunder." - Times leader
"A serious government would cut spending more and faster, using a part of the savings not just to keep CGT low, but also to cut income tax for everybody." - Simon Heffer in The Telegraph
Cameron insists he is committed to bringing 200mph trains to the Leeds - Yorkshire Post
> Yesterday's ToryDiary: Cameron promises to build dynamic economy
Cameron has called for a clamp-down on kerb crawling and said the decriminalisation of prostitution should be "looked at again" - BBC
Two major donors to the Conservative Party have been handed places in the House of Lords
"More than £500,000 has been handed to the party by Dolar Popat, a multi-millionaire business tycoon, and Simon Wolfson, chief executive of the clothing chain Next. Both are now heading to the Lords. The peerages have emerged as David Cameron prepares to make a series of policy announcements that will highlight his championing of "government transparency"." - Independent
"John Prescott completed his transformation from working class bruiser to establishment pillar yesterday when he accepted a peerage - to placate his wife's fury over his affair with a secretary. The former Deputy Prime Minister always said he would never accept a seat in the House of Lords and has been a vocal opponent of 'flunkery and titles'." - Daily Mail
> Yesterday's Parliament report: Michael Howard, John Maples, Shireen Ritchie are among new Tory peers; John Prescott, Sue Nye and Quentin Davies become Labour peers
Chris Patten re-opens EPP issue"In an interview with BBC Parliament programme the Record: Europe, Patten predicted that David Cameron will eventually see the error of his ways and rejoin the mainstream centre right group in the European parliament." - Guardian
Tory MP Alun Cairns will stay as Welsh AM to prevent right-winger taking his place - Western Mail
There is a bad David Cameron and a good David Cameron - Matthew Parris in The Times reflects on the media management of Team Cameron
Andrew Grice: How will the Coalition end for Clegg?
"Although the coalition is still in its honeymoon phase, Liberal Democrats also wonder about how this marriage of convenience will end. They can see a clear exit strategy for Mr Cameron at the next election: "We have shown we can govern responsibly, we are no longer the nasty party, we want a new mandate." But they can't see a smooth way out for Mr Clegg." - Andrew Grice in The Independent
There will be occasions when an MP really will need the quiet, the table and the greater privacy which first-class can better provide - Guardian
Alastair Campbell's Diaries reveal tensions at the top of New Labour - Guardian
And finally... The Sun Says is inspired by The TaxPayers' Alliance's new video
"Britain's average nine-to-five workers have to slog away until 1.21pm every day before they start earning for themselves. For the first 76 minutes, the cash just pays off income tax. Then it's three-quarters of an hour for National Insurance, another 40 minutes for VAT, more time to cover motoring and council taxes, duties on booze, fags and betting... until more than HALF the day has gone. Only then do we get to keep our hard-earned money from the taxman's grasp." - The Sun Says
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