Friday 14th May 2010
8pm WATCH: Hague meets Clinton in Washington
4.30pm ToryDiary: Tory shadows who haven't made it into government
4.30pm WATCH: Barack Obama talks about "countries like Europe"
3.45pm ToryDiary: "Cameron is deliberately using the alliance with the Liberal Democrats to reduce the power of the Conservative Right"
3.15pm Alex Deane on CentreRight: The Cabinet Office Twitter Guide
3.15pm WATCH: David Cameron promises respect for Scottish Parliament on his first visit as PM
1.30pm WATCH: Alongside Chris Huhne, David Cameron declares his ambition to build "greenest government ever"
12.30pm On Platform, responding to the 55% threshold controversy, Sir George Young MP writes: We want fixed term for Parliament not Governments
11.30am ToryDiary: 43% of grassroots members think Cameron gave away too much to Clegg in order to get a coalition deal (51% do not)
11am Latest list of Cabinet and junior ministers
ToryDiary: Please help ConHome to publish its General Election Review
ToryDiary: Tory members approve of Coalition by more than three-to-one
Anthony Browne on Platform: Ten lessons for the new Government from London about being in power
WATCH: One in five Britons do not recognise Winston Churchill (but 98% recognise Margaret Thatcher)
David Davis reportedly ready to lead opposition to Coalition's 55% rule
"Plans for fixed-term parliaments yesterday threatened to spark the
first rebellion against David Cameron's coalition government. The Prime
Minister wants to bring in legislation allowing him to govern for five
years. Under the change, he could be removed only if 55 per cent of MPs voted
for the dissolution of Parliament and an early election. But a number
of MPs want to retain the right to kick out a government by a simple
majority of one, in a no confidence vote. David Davis - once Mr
Cameron's leadership rival - is understood to be among a growing number
of politicians of the Left and Right opposed to the 'stitch-up'." - Daily Mail
The Daily Mail's verdict on the 55% rule: A shabby stitch-up that must be stopped
> Lee Rotherham on CentreRight: The tyranny of the minority
The five Tories who didn't make the transition from shadow cabinet to the real thingChris Grayling, Greg Clark, Nick Herbert, Dame Pauline Neville-Jones and Grant Shapps - Times
The Daily Mail guide to the membership of the Clegg-Cameron Cabinet.
"After 13 years in power, Labour has gone, and not before time. Its replacement looks far sounder that anybody dared hope: a coalition of ideas and people that, on the whole, brings out the best in both parties. For the Tories, for the Lib Dems and for Britain, it’s a good deal." - The Economist
Alexander Chancellor: Will Clegg know his place?
"Clegg and Cameron say for ever, but in my view that will depend on Clegg knowing his place – which could be difficult for him, after all the deference he has been shown. Whatever he says to the contrary, Clegg has been a kingmaker, and that could easily give him ideas above his station." - Alexander Chancellor in The Guardian
The Independent finds some Tory MPs who are early doubters about the Clegg-Cameron deal.
"Many Tories were baffled by Mr Cameron’s declaration on Wednesday that the idea of his party governing alone was “so uninspiring”. Most had, perhaps naively, been rather inspired by the idea of a Tory government until a few days ago. Crucially, they remain inspired: the battle of political ideas is one that most Tory MPs came into politics to wage." - Fraser Nelson in The Times
Cameron heads to Scotland to meet Alex Salmond
"Prime Minister David Cameron is travelling to Scotland for talks with First Minister Alex Salmond.
Mr Cameron, who is making good his pledge to head north within days of an election victory, has promised to treat the devolved government with "respect"." - BBC
Alex Salmond to issue £700 million demand in David Cameron meeting; "Mr Salmond is hoping to play on Mr Cameron’s sensitivities over the Tories’ dismal election performance north of the Border, which he said was more keenly felt in the English party." - Telegraph
All basic rate taxpayers are to be offered an income tax cut worth at least £140 in this summer’s emergency Budget - Telegraph
The Herald: Don't increase VAT"Raising VAT is an option that should be avoided. It could dampen consumer spending just when it needs to be raised to sustain the fragile recovery. It could have a dangerous knock-on impact on inflation. And, worst, it is regressive: pensioners on low fixed incomes and the poorest families are hit hardest. Save the Children says such a rise would add more than £30 a week to the average household expenditure, forcing some parents to choose between a warm home and a hot meal." - The Herald leader
Get ready for VAT rise to pay for £17bn Lib Dem tax cuts, economists warn - Times
Philip Hammond: We'll end the war on motorists - The Sun
Simon Jenkins: If Cameron is wise, he'll revive localism, and only Pickles can deliver it - Guardian
Liam Byrne: Labour leadership contenders must pass the Mrs Duffy test and understand the mood of the nation - Guardian
John Denham: "We need a Labour party that wants to be English as well as Scottish, Welsh and British" - Guardian
'The south pays for the north'"A little while ago, Oxford Economics produced a brilliant analysis demonstrating just how much London and the commuter belt contribute to the rest of the UK. London and the South East provide the largest tax contributions, accounting for a combined £178bn and together contributing 34 per cent of total UK revenues. Northern Ireland and the North East of England between them contributed less than 6 per cent of total tax receipts, reflecting their relative poverty. Taking just income tax, London and the South East contributed £31.9bn and £25.1bn respectively (measured on where people work, rather than where they live, to account for commuters); in stark contrast, the North East and Northern Ireland had the lowest income tax contributions of £4.2bn and £2.8bn respectively." - Allister Heath in City AM
And finally... Even Cameron still thinks Brown is PM""I heard, 'This morning, the Prime Minister will...' and I thought, 'Oh God, what's he doing now? And then I thought, 'Oh no, hang on a second - it's me!' It was a sort of double take. You're so used to waking up hearing what the Prime Minister is up to that I had a brief relapse." - The Sun
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