Wednesday 11th February 2009
10pm WATCH: John Prescott tells ITN that 18,000 people have signed his Facebook campaign against bank bonuses
8pm WATCH: Theresa Villiers set out the Tories' long term vision for Britain's railways
5.45pm. Local Government: Should councillors caught drink driving have to resign?
4pm Douglas Murray on CentreRight: Government bans Dutch MP Geert Wilders from entering Britain after Muslim leaders threaten to organise mob protest
12.30pm Parliament: Christopher Chope calls for minimum wage opt-out
12.30pm ToryDiary: Cameron accuses Brown of incompetence and arrogance at PMQs
12.15pm Dan Hamilton on CentreRight: Europe copies the Obama logo
11.45 ToryDiary: The world cannot allow Iran to become a nuclear power, warns Liam Fox
11.30am Parliament: Health questions, including: assaults on NHS staff are rife
10.30am Parliament: Select committees need more power
ToryDiary: We need 1997 capitalism plus social justice
Stephen Greenhalgh and John Moss on Platform: Proposals for radical reform of social housing
Seats and candidates: Search for 100 Peers: Jill Kirby
Local Government: Should councillors allowances be frozen in the recession?
- Top bankers say 'sorry' as Ed Balls warns of worst recession for 100 years
- US Republican leaders warn of 'Europeanisation' of America via Obama's stimulus
"Gordon Brown ally Sir James Crosby ‘ignored risk alert at HBOS’"
"The Government's crisis over the banks deepened last night when one of Gordon Brown's key advisers was accused of sacking a whistleblower who predicted that reckless lending by banks would end in disaster." - Independent
"George Osborne, the Shadow Chancellor, said: “Paul Moore has made very serious allegations about how his warnings about the risks being run at HBOS were dismissed by the then chief executive, James Crosby. Given that, as Chancellor, Gordon Brown appointed Sir James as deputy chairman of the FSA and that as Prime Minister he relies upon him as a key economic adviser, the Government need urgently to investigate the allegations and discover the truth.”" - Times
David Cameron emphasises social enterprise
"David Cameron stressed the importance of social enterprise in rebuilding our economy and tackling social breakdown in a speech to the Social Enterprise Coalition national conference." -
"Mr Cameron confirmed Tory plans to abolish the Learning and Skills Council (LSC), create a £100m fund to help young people who are "not in employment, education or training" and establish a £100 million Adult and Community Learning Fund to provide advice on qualifications and courses." - BBC
"The UK jobless total is increasing twice as fast as the average across Europe." - Sky
Ken Clarke loses hedge fund job as credit crunch hits politicians - Guardian
Grant Shapps targets empty homes crisis
"Grant Shapps, shadow housing minister, said: "The Government has sat back as the social housing waiting list has spiralled to record levels, leaving 1.8 million vulnerable families desperate for housing. At the same time the number of empty homes has risen steadily - homes that could be used to house those in need. The Government needs to stop thinking about ineffective, headline-grabbing announcements and start thinking about how to help the millions of people waiting for suitable housing."" - Telegraph
Boris highlights 2012 legacy plans
"The Mayor of London unveiled a "legacy masterplan" that confirmed plans for the creation of 10,000 new jobs and a further 10,000 new homes to go with the 2,871 flats being built in the Olympic Village. Provisional designs for a 1,000-pupil secondary school in the Olympic stadium, three primary schools and a National Sports Academy are all also being drawn up. They will complement a new arts academy and primary school already planned for the Olympic Village." - Independent
Simon Heffer says the lack of outrage over the Home Secretary's expenses is a sad reflection on our politicians - Telegraph
Select committees are currently better at theatre than scrutiny - Times leader
Controversial Dutch politician banned from UK
"Britain has taken the unusual step of banning a Dutch member of parliament from entering the country due to his stridently anti-Islamic views, prompting the Dutch government to protest. Geert Wilders, who heads the anti-immigration Party for Freedom, had been due to travel to London on Thursday for a screening of his film, Fitna, organised by Lord Pearson of Rannoch, a eurosceptic peer. The film criticises Islam, one of Mr Wilders’ main targets." - FT
"Persons with incorrect opinions will not be admitted to the U.K., even if they are elected members of another nation's parliament. Nothing, nothing must be allowed if it gives offense to Muslims." - National Review
Church of England votes to ban membership of BNP among clergy - Times
Fee-paying schools beat the recession
"Record numbers of parents are registering their children for private schools despite the recession." - Daily Mail
And finally...
"'It does not inspire confidence that a senior counter-terrorism officer and his detectives struggled to locate a high-profile Member of Parliament in his constituency on a Friday. How on earth is he getting to grips with undercover terrorists in Al Qaeda?'" - An MP reflecting on questioning yesterday of Bob Quick, the police offer in charge on arresting Damian Green. From The Daily Mail.
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