In about ten years’ time David Cameron will be an ex-Prime Minister, touring the US lecture circuit. Copies of the 2010 Tory manifesto will be gathering dust on university book shelves. One legacy of an expected Cameron victory at the next General Election will still be very potent, however, and that will be the ‘Class of 2010’ – the largest increase in the number of Conservative MPs in modern times. These MPs will set the direction of Conservative politics for the next generation. They will be the ministers of the future. They may even provide the next Prime Minister.
The sheer number of new Conservative MPs isn’t the only factor that makes them such an interesting phenomenon. Also noteworthy are their political views and their likely independence of mind.
They are Thatcherite in that they want lower taxes, are deeply Eurosceptic and believe in school choice. They are at home in modern Britain in that they are supportive of gay rights, are civil libertarian and use the NHS.
Scroll down these pages for a full overview on the instincts of this next generation. This post on their key views is particularly important.
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