Although the global recession and the Labour debt legacy have significantly disrupted Tory plans for government the overall consistency of the Cameron agenda is notable. In ten key areas there has been a steady discipline in the modernisation of the Conservative Party:
Social justice: The first act of David Cameron's leadership was to establish the social justice policy group under the direction of Iain Duncan Smith. A Department of Social Justice is a likely feature of a Cameron-shaped Whitehall. The pupil premium for inner city schools, the retention of the minimum wage and a commitment to eliminate the 'couple penalty' in the benefits system are examples of the many practical policies that have emerged from the modernisation of the Conservative Party's one nation tradition.
Promoting female candidates: Huge efforts have been made to promote female candidates. If the party wins the next General Election with a simple majority there will be at least fifty Tory MPs. Preferential treatment saw a number of women become Conservative MEPs in June. Also expect an influx of Tory women into the Lords as the party rushes to ensure it has enough frontbenchers in the Upper Chamber. Although the number of privately-educated candidates is set to decline efforts to promote candidates from lower income backgrounds have been inadequate.
Gay rights: In promising to restore a recognition of marriage in the tax system David Cameron has also said that gay couples in civil partnerships will benefit. In a blow to freedom of association the Tory leader said that Catholic adoption agencies should be required to place children with same sex couples.
NHS protection: In his first Party Conference speech the Tory leader said his political priorities could be summarised with three letters: N H S. The 'NHYes' campaign was an early indication that the Tories were determined to neutralise this once potent Labour issue. Controversial policies like the Patient Passport were quickly junked and David Cameron has promised that the NHS will continue to win inflation-beating resources from the taxpayer despite the debt crunch.
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