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Peter Baxter

Mr. Peter Baxter, 31 Springate Road, Southwick, Brighton, BN42 4LF
Telephone Brighton 01273 594588

Election debate Lie

George Brown lied during the election debate the same lie he told at the Iraq inquiry.

He said that the reason our troops were being killed was because of a change of tactics
by the Taliban. The tactics used by the Taliban of road side bombs were used against all the lads in Cyprus, where I served for three years also used by the IRA including this election in Ireland.
There is nothing new about roadside bombs.

What is new is a Prime Minister blaming the Taliban for his mistake of not providing our troops with what they need.

Nick Clegg was right about looking for better equipment in my day we got a three tonner with a canvas top. This is better than what they had in Iraq.
The reason is if you have a lightly armoured vehicle and they hit your vehicle with a rocket your vehicle will become part of the bomb. Most of our troops were killed by there own vehicles or lack of protection. In our old vehicles with the canvas tops the bullets and rockets went straight through.
Our minesweepers who checked the roads has donkeys that carried the gear in front of them but we didn’t have the animal rights lobby.

Nick Clegg was also right about Polaris I also worked on ECM in the air force with my American friends the cold war which I think we won. What we need now is a UK
Missile shield against rogue nations we have needed that for years we will decide to get one after the first missile has landed.

I should remind you that missiles are being used against Israel and all these missiles could have been stopped with a modern defence shield.

Nick Clegg won that debate because he showed; he genuinely cares about our troops and the future of Britain. What the others showed is what they really care about is who gets the contract and party funding.

Peter Baxter

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