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It doesn't add up...

Go East, young man!


Doesnt that child sitting on the shoulder look incredibly like Tony Blair

Gospel of Enoch

Nuke Labour. Vote UKIP!

Sue Doughty

That's where all the jobs went, son.

Annabel Herriott

Just toooo 1930s for words!! Country is in the same sort of mess as well, but we would rather not have WW3 to get us out of it this time.

David Mitchell

All this will be housing for the 48,000 people who immigrate here each year


This is the result of scrapping Trident.
This was once a thriving town,son.
Why are Labour portraying the 'two parent' family?This discrimination AND the child on the shoulders is a H &S risk.
The mum should be at work and the dad should be in jail for filling the bin too much.The children should be in state sponsored education establishments.

It doesn't add up...

Tory! Tory! Tory!


Red sky at night, Brown's pants are alight. Red sky in the morning, Labour bullshit warning.

Ellis Turrell

"Enjoy the sunshine...before we take it away from you forever.

Meaning of Life

Oh no, Eric Pickles has succumbed to just one more wafer-thin mint

Cazzy Jones

Daddy, was that where David Kelly went for his last walk?

It doesn't add up...

Don't blame it on the sunshine
Don't blame it on the moonshine
Blame it on the Brownie

Lee Moore

It looks just like a still from one of those "Death of the Dinosaurs" natural history programmes - the ones with the meteorite exploding just over the horizon before burning the dinosaurs to a crisp. You expect David Attenborough to pipe up at any moment.


It's a young family watching the nuclear disaster that will be the effect of a Labour victory, and waiting in dread for the fallout.

Simon Barnes

How about this: http://twitpic.com/1f37uu

Ben Rogers

It looks like some of the propaganda pictures of Kim il-Sung and Kim Jong-il in North Korea!


All the nation watches as Prescott eats one too many pies reaching critical mass and explodes destroying a large part of Britain


This is a Public Service Announcement -

"when the 4 minute warning sounds..."

Simon Too

A Future F... All
A Future Dear for All
A Future Jeer for All
A Future Fearful
A Future Share of Hell

To borrow a line from the movies,
Your Future Isn't What It Used To Be.

But Itdoesntadd up takes a lot of beating with his Tory! Tory! Tory!

Simon Too

Scorched earth policies : if you see the flash, put your head between your legs and kiss your future goodbye

Agent Digby

Blair's back - the sun is shining out of his...

David Galea



A future liar for all

Labour have broken 102 promises in their 2005 Manifesto, don't risk finding out how many they break this time, vote for change, vote conservative


A future lie for all

Labour have broken 102 promises in their 2005 Manifesto, don't risk finding out how many they break this time, vote for change, vote conservative.

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