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Whose yacht are we going to this year Peter?


So which post in the EU did you want us to forward you for Mandy?


Get your hand out of my pocket. You can't pay off the Labour Party's debts by stealing my pocket money.

Oh! You're not after my pocket money!


"You know Geroge, now that I think about it, i'd look much better in blue"


You should not have returned, Mandleson. Now, I am the master...


Hers the 100 grand I owe you for the shambles of a labour campaign


Thanks Peter for all you've taught me - we couldn't have done it without you.
Might be a while before we can go to Korfu again...


Why not throw in the towel now my Lord

Carl Harris

GO: "Go on then spin this one"

PM: "Oh my young friend, every clud has a silver lining"

GO: "huh?"

PM: Time for a leadership election"

Stewart Cowan

Osborne: "How come I'm invited to the annual Bilderberg meeting every year, Peter, and you aren't? Do you just meet them on their yachts to receive your instructions?"

Mr Ned

Osborne: Do you think that Nat Rothschild will ever take off our satellite controlled testicle clamps Mandy?

Mandy: Shut the fuck up and keep working to get his new world order set up or you'll go the same way as Dr Kelly!!!


George: "I know you like shagging people from behind but there's no need to do it to the whole country!"


George: Did you know that "Mean Old Serpent" is an anagram of Peter Mandelson?

Mandy: That's LORD Mandelson to you

George: In which case "Snarl old demon" seems quite apt too!

Paul H

GO: You were right to turn off Gordon's Life Support. It was no longer fit for purpose.

Philip McArthur

" If I call you a faggot will you call me a bigot?"

John Ward

At least the seating upholstery is in your party's colour, unlike the views of most who will be sitting there.

Jeannie Armstrong

Look here's the number for my tailor. He'll smooth those shoulder chips out for you in no time..


i Know a nice club near here George

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