Children are poor when they are deprived of the security of family life as well as when they suffer financial hardship.
”When I visited Easterhouse in Glasgow earlier this year I learnt about two young emaciated boys whose parents were stolen from them, night after night, by their drug habit. These parents are in no state to provide their children with breakfast or to get them to school on time. Too many other children never see their fathers. Some fear the men who live with their mothers. Some are not missed when they return late from school.
Many of today's children have more material possessions than the post-war generation could even dream of. Whilst some are still in material need there is a deeper poverty. Times may have changed but children's fundamental needs have not. Children are essentially the same at every time and in every place. Deeper than their material needs is a hunger for identity and security.
To be part of a loving home where they can become more than they could ever be on their own. The state cannot provide such a home. Prisons are full of children who have been in long-term local authority care.
Tony Blair announced his child poverty strategy… three years ago. But it won't work because it is one-dimensional. His measure of child poverty is solely financial. It ignores the cycle of failing schools, drugs and relationship breakdown that fuels the deepest kind of child poverty.”- Iain Duncan Smith, September 2002
A CSJ/YouGov survey found that the British people rightly regard children and the elderly as the nation’s two most vulnerable groups. Children are vulnerable when they lack basic financial security but they are also vulnerable when their parents separate or when they are trapped in failing schools. In the above passage of a speech on social justice Iain Duncan Smith showed that conservatives know that child poverty is not only a material phenomenon. Most people know that strong, values-based families and other ’3D caring’ institutions are also essential for the well-being of children.
ConservativeHome's Dictionary: Child poverty
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Posted by: ugg ultimate | January 01, 2014 at 05:24 AM