LOCATION... London
BRIEF DESCRIPTION... I am a post-graduate student and political anorak.
POLITICAL BELIEFS... I am an economic liberal and a social conservative. This means that -- on the whole -- I am a small-statist since I believe that the welfare state has harmful effects on personal morality and I believe that schools and hospitals would perform better if completely free from state control, but I reject complete libertarianism. I am pro-life and believe that a healthy society is one that values all human life, however old, young or physically impaired. I am strongly opposed to the pernicious doctrines of political correctness and multiculturalism which I think are at odds with traditional British identity. I have a lot of faith in the basic decency of the British people, especially with regard to matters of justice and morality. On foreign policy, I am neither "realist" nor "idealist"; I am sceptical, for example, as to whether the Islamic world will ever be able to become truly democratic, but I will always support the spread of liberal values across the world. I am strongly Atlanticist and find much to admire in the political scene of the United States; in contrast, I am Eurosceptic and advocate complete withdrawal from the European Union as soon as possible.
POLITICAL HERO... Margaret Thatcher, Norman Tebbit, Ronald Reagan.
FAVOURITE BLOGS... Melanie Phillips, The Joy of Curmudgeonry,
UK Commentators, House of Dumb.
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