LOCATION... Aberdeen, Scotland
SELF-DESCRIPTION... 16 year old student. I was born in Kew, London and have lived in Paris, London, and for the past ten years, Aberdeen. Just beginning to get involved in Conservative politics (although Aberdeen isn't exactly a hotbed of Tory activity). I am finishing school in spring 2007 and I hope to go on to study either PPE at Oxford, York or Warwick, or Philosophy and Economics at LSE or UCL.
POLITICAL BELIEFS... Libertarian... Pro-free market and civil rights but anti-EU, advocate of transatlantic co-operation (i.e: pro "war on terror"). Small government, local descision making, anti-government controlled NHS, pro-selection in schools.
POLITICAL HERO... Disraeli, Churchill, Asquith, Thatcher, Boris Johnson.
FAVOURITE BLOGS... ConservativeHome, PoliticalBetting.
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