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Con 38 Lab 31 LD 18 (YouGov 29/1/07)
Con 37 Lab 31 LD 23 (ICM 23/1/07)
Con 39 Lab 32 LD 18 (Populus 8/1/07)
Con 36 Lab 37 LD 14 (Communicate Research 29/12/06)
Con 37 Lab 32 LD 15 (24/12/06)
Con 37 Lab 33 LD 17 (YouGov 22/12/06)
Con 40 Lab 32 LD 18 (ICM 20/12/06)
Con 34 Lab 33 LD 19 (Populus 12/12/06)
Con 39 Lab 30 LD 20 (ICM 3/12/06)
Con 37 Lab 32 LD 16 (YouGov 1/12/06)
Con 34 Lab 36 LD 17 (Communicate Research 28/11/06)
Con 37 Lab 32 LD 22 (ICM 22/11/06)
Con 36 Lab 33 LD 20 (Populus 7/11/06)
Con 39 Lab 32 LD 16 (26/10/06)
Con 39 Lab 29 LD 22 (24/10/06)
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War on terror
David Cameron expected to embrace call for US-style National Security Council
Patrick Mercer MP: Securing the homeland
'Neither the guts to rule Iraq, nor the guts to quit'
Pro and anti-war newspapers welcome Cameron's 9/11 speech
ConservativeHome Editorial: Conservative policy in the age of terror
YouGov/ Spectator poll reveals little civil libertarianism
Michael Gove: No more room for denial
Rifkind urges end of neoconservatism
Cameron appears to tip-toe away from US neoconservatism
David Cameron on 7/7
George Osborne adopts first '100 policy idea' on searchable database on public spending
The new high taxation consensus (otherwise known as 'saving the planet')
We did not lose the last two elections because we promised tax cuts
Tory Tax Commission recommends £21bn in tax cuts
'Blue-green taxation' set to pay for cuts in business taxation
The best arguments for cutting tax
New poll suggests Britain is ready to vote for tax relief
Ten point briefing on tax
Mike Denham marks Tax Freedom Day
Tories in a muddle on tax
Compassionate conservatism
Cameron says voluntary sector can help defeat postcode lottery
Social justice policy group identifies the five paths to poverty in today's Britain
Greg Clark MP: Poverty is too important an issue to leave to the Labour Party
Iain Duncan Smith finds his voice and his mission
White, working class boys drop to bottom of class
Oliver Letwin: Let's roll
the frontiers of
IDS: You can't beat poverty without supporting marriage
Welfare is Labour's biggest failure
David Cameron's African mission
Sajid Javid: Building a bold human rights policy
Andrew Mitchell MP: Our 'Responsibility to Protect' Darfur
Nadine Dorries campaigns for 'a woman's right to know'
John Hayes MP pursues Cardinal's call for abortion law reform
Alex Deane: The case against euthanasia
Two Tories warn against slippery slope to euthanasia
Ben Rogers (on Burma): Prove us wrong, Mrs Beckett
Petition against Lord Joffe's euthanasia Bill
William Hague MP and Andrew Mitchell MP on Darfur: The World Watches, Weeps... and Dithers
Boris Johnson "inclined" to back Assisted Dying Bill
Rowan Williams: In God's World There Is No Right To Die
Addressing climate change
Lord Lawson missing from Tory list of green zeroes
Charles and Cameron 'got on famously' over organic mutton
Nick Hurd MP: Energy security and the rising price of fossil fuels also argue for urgent action against climate change
Tory MP Richard Benyon: Global warming is my generation's Dunkirk
We can cut carbon emissions or give everyone clean drinking water, sanitation, basic health care and education right now
'Blue-green taxation' set to pay for cuts in business taxation
Peter Franklin: Rebutting climate change scepticism
Peter Franklin: Why the growth in air travel has to be stopped
Tory supporters prefer motoring to MORE green taxes
Peter Franklin on David Cameron's first 100 days: The environment
Drugs policy
Legalisation would cause drugs and prostitution to rocket
Martin Sewell: Should Drugs tolerance become the new Racism?
Tobias Ellwood calls for legalisation of Afghanistan's opium farming
Drug shooting galleries "not ruled out"
Cameron has promised Davis not to downgrade ecstasy
Daily Mail: "Cameron backtracks on drugs downgrade"
Health timebomb as rising cocaine use threatens heart problems in young
David Cameron sets out his policy views on drugs
David Cameron's old views on drug liberalisation are new blow to his campaign
Definition of 'condom compassion'
Family policy
Can David Cameron resist Iain Duncan Smith's marriage proposal?
Absent fathers, inadequate use of prison and knife culture all targeted by Cameron
IDS: You can't beat poverty without supporting marriage
Support for heterosexual marriage
gay partnerships
Dave the dad (and what it could mean for Tory family policy)
Graeme Archer: Conservatives should oppose partnership "rights" for co-habiting couples
Labour's neglect of the family
Tim Yeo questions David Cameron's marriage policy
Martin Sewell: A rational case for marriage
Graeme Archer welcomes Britain's first civil partnership ceremonies
An open, democratic and decentralised Conservatism
An open letter to Francis Maude about the London Mayoralty primary process
Open primary election to choose Tory candidate for Mayor
James Morris: Reinventing Policymaking as an Open Party
Francis Maude MP: Further thoughts on a more open party...
Tories need a folkmoot, not a husting
Francis Maude MP: Towards a more open Conservative Party
James Morris: The Conservative Party and Open Networks
Daniel Hannan MEP: A case for a decentralised Conservative Party and open primaries
Michael Gove MP: Can you ever have too much of a good thing? Not when its democracy.
An unnecessary, untruthful and expensive campaign to disenfranchise party members draws to a close
Countdown to Gordon Brown
ConservativeHome's ToryDiary: Bloomberg: Cherie Blair walks out of Brown speech
Tories and LibDems prepare for snap Brown election
Explosive Downing Street memo suggests that abandoning Brown may be only way of saving Labour from defeat
Will Brown
be worse for Labour?
David Cameron says that Brown is weak, tragic and laughable
Cherie Blair walks out of Brown speech
Brown grins as Blair announces that he'll be gone in a year
Gordon Brown's attacking options look a little Sven-like
David Gauke MP: Why Gordon Brown will call a snap election
Wake up to Gordon Brown (6): Gordon Brown 'The Man'
Wake up to Gordon Brown (5): The Blair relationship
Wake up to Gordon Brown (4): Waste
Brown still does something to the right-wing press...
CCHQ: Seven things not mentioned in the Budget
David Cameron's budget response
Wake up to Gordon Brown (3): Social justice
Wake up to Gordon Brown (2): Tax
Wake up to Gordon Brown (1): Economic competitiveness
Brown's popularity advantage underlines Tory challenge
Hague opens fire on Biggles Brown
Political funding
John Redwood calls for an end to 'big money politics'
Cameron and Ashcroft are both wrong on political funding
Francis Maude attacks Labour's increasing dependence on union funding
Anyone mind paying for Cherie's haircuts?
State funding rejected by 81% of Conservative members
77% oppose public money for political parties
Quentin Davies MP: No taxpayers' money for spin doctors, campaigning and political advertising
Jonathan Mackie: State Funding – Deal or No Deal?
Labour gain and state funding loses in Populus survey
CCHQ announces names of individuals who lent £16m
Genocide in Darfur
Andrew Mitchell MP: Our 'Responsibility to Protect' Darfur
'Hello, it's David Cameron calling from Sudan'
UN fails Darfur again
Andrew Mitchell MP: Britain must lead the international community in getting tough with Khartoum
William Hague MP and Andrew Mitchell MP on Darfur: The World Watches, Weeps... and Dithers
Will David Cameron talk about Darfur in his big speech?
David Cameron answers a question on Darfur... and disappoints
Nicholas D Kristof: A Wimp on Genocide
400,000 dead in Sudan. Anyone interested?
George Osborne
Janet Daley
Lynton Crosby
Caroline Spelman
John Redwood
Louise Bagshawe
Michael Ashcroft
Liam Fox
Trevor Kavanagh
Tim Montgomerie
Media, culture and technology If It's Not Brokeback, Fix It
Alex Deane: We need Fox News
What is a right-wing play?
EU Serf: Finding the common ground
Brian Jenner: A reading list for new age Tories
Red corner movies
Conservative movement campaigns
Burning Our Money
Campaign for an English Parliament
Conservative Human Rights Commission
Labour Do Not Do
Migration Watch UK
Mind The Gap London
Reinstate Roger Helmer
TaxPayers' Alliance
When Will Blair Go
An introduction to this site's search for 100 election-winning policies
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