LOCATION... Thurrock, Essex
SELF-DESCRIPTION... Recent graduate of the University of
Nottingham with a BA in History and Politics, having also served as
General Secretary, then President of the Nottingham University
Conservative Future branch. Unsuccessful candidate for Education
Officer at the Nottingham University Students Union, though I polled a
morale boosting 899 votes. Currently looking for work. I like Dean
Koontz novels, a nice round of golf now and then and cooking to relax.
I am an Arsenal fan, and have been before the Francophone take-over and
my music interests are firmly rooted in the 80s. I have recently set
up a blog: Thurrock Tory.
POLITICAL BELIEFS... Independently-minded Conservative
populist. I've tried to be a neo-con, but it just didn't work, and as
such recently I've become a bit of an isolationist. I favour an
independent, sovereign Britain, a strong but minimal state and am
relaxed with a moderate centre-right social policy. I am, however, in
favour greatly of education vouchers and grammar schools. Tax cuts are
also a must, combined with an industrial policy that maintains a
manufacturing base as well as an economy that is free of painful
restraints. I am pro-Union, but can forsee a day when England stands
alone acting as a protectorate of Northern Ireland. I am against
devolution, and would support a platform that abolished the regional
parliaments, be it the english regions, scottish parliament, GLA or
welsh assembly. I also believe Stormont shouldn't be re-opened if we
are to have a consistent belief in a unitary state at Westminster.
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