LOCATION... Near Ashford, Kent
SELF-DESCRIPTION... Starting philosophy, politics & economics in September 2006 at University of
Essex. Grammar school student. Steam railway enthusiast. Interested in
architecture, gardens and history. I am not a member of any political party and
like things to be pragmatic instead of ideological.
POLITICAL BELIEFS... Believer in the powers of individuals, cynic of government and politicians,
especially masterplans and announcements resembling “great leaps forwards”.
Would prefer a free trade only Commonwealth of Europe to a European Union -
against integration, instead favouring voluntary and respectful co-operation.
Proponent of free trade and liberal markets - I particularly hate any tariffs or
quotas on developing nations, treat others as you wish to be treat yourself.
Believes services should be fully controlled by the users to utilise market
mechanism of service improvement but state funded for all - therefore the best
of both Worlds. Also that you cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the
strong. Pragmatism.
POLITICAL HERO... None really, I don’t do heroes. Churchill was great, Disraeli did some good
things, and the Thatcher revolution kick started Britain and saved the
economy/country for certain. I think the term "hero" is over used. I like people
who say what they think, and who stand by convictions even when they are
unfashionable (like Churchill before 1939 and Hayek free-marketeers 1945-1979),
but also those who can change their minds sensibly when evidence goes against
them and can admit a mistake.
FAVOURITE BLOGS... Chameleons on bicycles , Iain Dale, ConservativeHome and Guido Fawkes.