LOCATION... South West Lincolnshire (Grantham & Stamford is the constituency)
SELF-DESCRIPTION... I am married to Sophie, with 2 small boys. The life side of my work-life balance includes: scuba diving in hot places (not gravel pits); playing very village cricket; building bonfires and sandcastles; walking the dogs; digging potatoes; barbequing in the summer, whilst mixing Dark & Stormies; much less golf than I would like; reading Patrick O'Brian. We worship at St George's, Stamford, and I am a trustee of the Conservative Christian Fellowship. I stood in High Peak in the 2001 General Election. I turned 40 at the end of last year, which has manifested itself in 2 ways: a determination not to turn 40 round the waist; and a nostalgia for blonde rock chicks from the 70s & 80s. Blondie...Annie Lennox...Hazel O'Connor... Never got along with the Beatles - much prefer the Stones & the Beach Boys. On the work side, I was a barrister for 12 years. After the 2001 election I decided to leave the law and work in the voluntary sector, and now work partly for a national palliative care charity, and partly for a strategic marketing & fund-raising consultancy.
POLITICAL BELIEFS... conservative. The Editor would probably style me as an Easterhouse-Crunchy. I supported Fox then Cameron.
POLITICAL HERO... Wilberforce would be my first pick. In the last century, Reagan, Thatcher and above all Churchill. In a different way, the student who stood in front of the tank in Tiananmen Square in that famous photograph.
FAVOURITE BLOGS... CH is the main one. Also: Iain Dale; Guido; Burning our Money; David Frum.
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Posted by: Law Post | October 16, 2013 at 12:15 AM
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Posted by: Lawyers Post | October 18, 2013 at 02:04 AM