LOCATION... Beaconsfield, Bucks.
SELF-DESCRIPTION... 70. Married to Eudorah Colquhoun since 1958, six children and ten grandchildren (thus far). Investment Banking (retired 1992).
POLITICAL BELIEFS... Economic liberal, fiscal conservative with a libertarian tendency on social issues. I have very strongly held religious (CofE) convictions that inform deep seated ideas about personal morality which I endeavour to live by myself, but I tend to think that people should be left alone to live their own lives so long as they are not causing harm to others. Tradition and the preservation of our great British institutions (such as the Monarchy) are very dear to me.
POLITICAL HEROES... Disraeli, Churchill, Thatcher, Iain Macleod (Who was perhaps the original Thatcherite - I think the 70s might have turned out differently for the country had he lived and been able to carry on as Chancellor) and Sir Ronald Bell (former MP for Beaconsfield who was a personal friend).
FAVOURITE BLOGS... ConservativeHome (naturally), PoliticalBetting, Guido Fawkes, Iain Dale's Diary, Dan Quixote.