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James Hellyer

Of course, as an American, Brooks is unaware that in Britain we now have a default response for anyone who accuses us of racism for questioning the value of multiculturalism:

"Are you saying Sir Trevor Phillips is a racist?"

Selsdon Man

The BBC gives opportinities for a national conversation. What a joke. It is the prime example of narrowcasting - leftist propganda at the licence-payers' expense!

Blogs give us the opportunity to create values-based online communities that can discuss issues publicly without the censorship of the media owners.

The media barons are worried. That is why even Rupert Murdoch is investing in blogs. People like us threaten his empire!

Brooks is misinformed. Cronkite is one of the contributors to Ariana Huffington's super-blog with fellow lefties such as Warren Beatty and Gary Hart.

Long live cultural separation! That is real diversity. We can be free to be different from leftist culture typified by the BBC and Walter Cronkite.

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