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This is nothing less than AN INSULT to JASON ROBINSON to have him replaced by that charlatan TONY BLAIR.

I think whosoever wrote this deserve a FLOGGING.


There aren't many modernisers in this list are there? How revealing. Politics, like rugby is a WAR. And we need hard men like Davis and Grayling to smash our enemy.

Chad Noble

"Right wing: Nigel Farage"

LOL. Still trying to play the old tunes!

Nigel is economically right of the Tory Party, but socially left (ie more libertarian, you lot being more authoritarian).

Jennifer Wells

Very funny Theresa. Well done!



I think Osborne should be taken off to be replaced by someone less namby-pamby.

If David Davis smashed Osborne in the face to get him to buck his game up, he probably wouldn't take it in the way intended and would just whine 'you've broken my this' or 'you've shattered my that'.

The big girl.


It's disappointing that Theresa hasn't put herself in there somewhere so we could have seen who she'd like to get close and dirty with. I'm sure she'd keep the results of that slightly different game entirely private, however. Maybe one to start on a somewhat more libertarian blog. Guido, where are you when we need you?

Now, which female parliamentarians would we like to see in there with Theresa?

If you block this one Tim, I'll know you're a prude.


Very good.


Surely Theresa May has better things to do with her time?! Not bad though

Oberon Houston

Ed, your picture of Theresa on your front page is rather wierd.

Moral minority

Boris Johnson is too undisciplined for any team (like the Shadow Cabinet) as that rugby tackle in a football match proved. He is loose in the head rather than a loosehead!

Henry Mayhew - Ukipper

Mark Francois - hooker, ha ha. He's (a bit) taller when he stands up. Genuine tough nut Mini-Me, you wouldn't want his teeth, or hands if he reached up, clamped round your tackle.

Come on England!

David Pilkington

Ironically John Prescott was appointed earlier this week as a non-exec director of Hull Kingston Rovers. He certainly looks more like a plodding Union prop than anything in Rover's current front row.


Surely the magnificent stately grandeur of Nicholas Soames should be in there as a Prop?

Yet Another Anon

Ed, your picture of Theresa on your front page is rather wierd.
Didn't show the leopard skin football boots with 2" studs either!

Sally Roberts

I know Mark Francois and think he's an inspired choice at No. 2!

Osborne - good choice for fly half but I'd thought of Alan Duncan for that as well! Perhaps he could be a substitute?

Yet Another Anon

The UK needs to leave the EU, the treaty problems just highlight why the EU is a failure, there are no prospects of it working in a desirable way and it is a distraction.

The UK needs to decide it's own economic, security, defence and criminal justice policies while attempting to have amicable relationships with countries around the world including any that decide to remain in the EU - In Europe but not run by Europe has been a failure and every PM has tried this policy since Edward Heath, Mrs Thatcher was forced out because she started to have suspicions about whether it was desirable to remain in the European Project, the ERM and Maastricht were some of the main contributors to the collapse of John Major's administration - David Cameron is setting himself up for a fall over this because as with past leaders he remains obstinately opposed to withdrawal.


Do you desire a house but you lack enough cash to acquire it?


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