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Simon Newman

How about "Conservation yes, Environmentalism no"?

Conservation is a traditional and respectable conservative aim. Environmentalism is a misanthropic life-hating cult grounded in cultural Marxist dialectic on the evil of Western civilisation.


Glad this is being discussed again. Conservation and environmentalism are another case of "and" aren't they? What we have not yet got is a distinctive policy re global warming: we have a great many ideas from the Gummer/Goldsmith report, some of which have rightly been rejected, but we now need it to be brought together into a coherant overall policy, so this becomes more than just branding. There is time to consult properly now both inside the party and outside. But if we move off this topic without such a policy, it will seem very cynical. Personally I wonder whether Ainsworth is the man to do it; conversely this is now his chance to make the positive impact in his present job that he has somewhat failed to do so far.

Ken Stevens

I agree.

Conservatist, rather than Eco-fascist.

I would give more credence to governmental efforts if action was taken to reduce the creation of waste before it reaches the consumer, e.g. excessive packaging, junk mail, newspaper literary supplements with yet more Plath/Hughes verbiage.

Tony Makara

As with crime, low-level issues are the place where a real difference to the environment. The excessive amount of packaging, flimsy carrier bags and so on. Up until around 1990 my bin was large enough to take a weeks rubbish with room to spare, now it is never full. Most of the rubbish thrown away is packaging. The other day I went to buy some four batteries from my corner shop and they couldn't wait to offer me a wafer thin carrier back with the shop's logo on the front. A way around this would be a charge for strong plastic carrier bags and to ban the useless thin flimsy ones altogether.


Good article, but an important aspect is missing. Gardening. Gardens can be too tidy for wildlife. Organic and wildlife gardening could be promoted which would help the environment and wildlife. Composting could be promoted to cut down on waste. (local authorities have schemes which sell composters at low prices)

If the number of small ponds in private gardens were doubled, for example, it would make a massive difference to wildlife.

Public gardens and parks are often vandalised and I believe that people local to these amenities would like to put a stop to it, but they are frightened by gangs of young people and also the Police who tend to arrest people who are trying to confront destructive behaviour.

If the Conservative Party organised to have 'clean up' days in parks and other public places, it may do the trick, but ONLY if it is done in a way that 'takes the lead.' In other words, leaflet an area announcing the day and asking for local people to join in. Then organise the local people to make it an ongoing program. If local associations just do the work, by themselves, it won't last.

Malcolm Dunn

You could have been describing me here Andrew. Not suprisingly, on this issue, I think you're right.

Simple Simon

Hunting is the most environmentally-friendly activity you could imagine. The much-hated Hunting Act has reduced me to chasing a smelly sock across the countryside, and this grotesque attack on civil liberties must not be forgotten by Mr Cameron's Conservative Party.

I fail to understand why the party is not promoting its support for fieldsportsmen against the tyranny of this socialist government. Instead we are made to feel like an embarrassment, to be hushed with vague promises of repeal.


Captain Planet

Ken Stevens, you make some cogent points about reducing waste, but why use a silly word like eco-fascist?

There may be some legitimate concerns about eco-regulation and eco-taxation, but no one is about to be taken out into the street and shot for failing to recycle.

Fascism is truly horrible thing, don't empty the word of meaning by using it so casually.


Read the blog on this at freestudents.blogspot.com There are an awful lot of inconvenient facts that the ecofacists ignore when it suits them. Whilst I don't neccesarily side with Julian Morris on this issue, the comment on spending money on treating malaria rather than trashing western economies rings rather sensible.

Ken Stevens

Captain Planet October 09, 12:25 PM
"..why use a silly word like eco-fascist?..don't empty the word of meaning by using it so casually."

With due humility, I accept the principle of your point but the term is common parlance and in a world that takes the name of the Son of God as an everyday expletive, along with use of previously taboo four-letter words, I don't feel unduly contrite!


For those interested in Andrew's column this from John Redwood might also be of interest.


Facist as in taking away freedom to purchase goods freely (bright light bulbs for example) restricting free movement through excessive taxation and regulation, general interference in the market and denouncment of any who disagree with them. C.f. the pressure put on acedemics who have the temerity to suggest that there might be other factors involved other than the carbon cycle.

"Global Warming" has been used to create a vertiable prok barrel for the psp community. Someone said to me that the collected world wide quangocracy is absorbing more than $1 billion a year and is becoming more an more blunt in stopping us do what we want to in the freedom of our own private property.

That is what I mean by eco-facism.

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