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Alan S

The key to a bigger charitable sector of the kind the US enjoys is more people of religious background. Tax and other reforms are all well and good but it is people driven by faith in God that really drive good neighbourliness. Secularism and state welfare are natural bedfellows.

David Sergeant

I always thought that one of the big atractions of Thatcherism was that it could point to the successful operation of its policies of reducing the involvement of the state round the world. It is also the case that "social responsibility" can point to many examples of success of reducing the involvement of the state round the world. Indeed when we set off with the Thatcherite revolution we were some way from being the most socialist Western country but on welfare we are nearly the most socialist Western country and seem among the most socialy unsuccessful. Social responsibility has got to be the future and could provide more social improvement than Thatcherism demonstrated economic improvement.

However, like Thatcherism Social Responsibility will have geared up ready to go detractors. In particular expect the BBC et al to be ready to highlight any single winge or complaint. Recall the complaints about the NHS where, often dishonest, headline cases came at the rate of two a week and rarely were answared quickly or efectively. There needs to be very quick investigatory backup or Social Responsibility will suffer the same fates as attempts to reform the NHS.

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